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  1. plum70rt

    Fish per Gallon?

    Fish in my 210 gallon, its a bowfront 62 wide.24 high, 35wide 6 Damsels assorted, 1 Yellow tang ,1 Royal Gramma, 2 Perc Clowns, 1 Foxface Lo, 1 Neon Dottyback,1 Flame angel, Next I like to add more tangs ,Hippo,purple,Naso,then maybe a jawfish,then? any sugestions?
  2. plum70rt

    Fish per Gallon?

    How many fish can I add to a 210 gallon? I heard that 2 or 3 inchs per gallon is the general rule is this correct? I have about 36 inchs so far,about 15 fish
  3. plum70rt

    New fish Added

    I have some blue damsels 6 assorted,a pair of small perc clowns, a yellow tang, a flame angel,a royal gramma,the foxface and the neon dottyback,so far it seems mellow has not shown any agression at all,the yellow tang has shown both of them he is the boss as I have seen him chase both of...
  4. plum70rt

    new fish

    I have a flame angel in a reef tank, 210 gallon, 250lbs of LR Plenty of room to roam through the rocks, was timid at first, is out and about now , still you have to approach tank slow or it will hide, has not touched a coral yet, one of my favorites in tank:)
  5. plum70rt

    New fish Added

    :) Just added some new fish, a foxface lo, and a neon dottyback, anyone have any input on either of these guys?
  6. plum70rt

    New purple linkia picture.

    How much did you pay for that purple starfish? At local stores in fla, they want 30 to 40 dollars, is that a fair price?
  7. plum70rt

    Reef tank: 6 foot

    I have a 210 gallon, my first saltwater tank, figure I do a nice size right away, 62 inch wide, bow front out to 32 inch ,24 inch deep, Now im 6 ft tall, standind on a ladder in front I cant reach the bottom of my tank by 1 inch, because of the stand height, have made up all sorts of tools on...
  8. plum70rt

    Throught I'd share a little essay I wrote in school

    Hey Zack, you sound like a very intelligent young man , dont let people get you down,you have a long way to go in life, enjoy your hobby,take it easy, best of luck to you:D
  9. plum70rt

    What Plan do you have for a power outage?

    What kind of plans do people have if the power goes out ? How long do you think is safe for a reef tank to go with no power? Just curious Hurricane season here in florida,
  10. plum70rt

    What do you use to clean the inside of your glass?

    I have a set of algae free magnets, made from neodymium earth magnets, the strongest magnets available on earth! WOW really strong, 1 swipe gets off anything, acrylic safe with pad,I have Hammerheads which are for 1/2 inch glass or acrylics, they make them for up to 1 1/2 inch thickness
  11. plum70rt

    No water changes with my Ecosystem

    Well on my New system, with the custom built skimmer and Denitrater hooked up and running, the builder tells me no water changes will be necessary at all, just add top off water, going on 6 weeks , all water great, denitrater not hooked up yet, not enough build up of nitrates yet, will see if it...
  12. plum70rt

    What is the best, "safest" sand sifter?

    I have a sand sifter star and must say its goes around things like shells and plants, it likes to stay in the fine sand,also never goes under rock into that sand,also Ive been told, and it makes common sense that a 3 inch across starfish just can keep up with depleting 150 Lbs of LS, and 250LBs...
  13. plum70rt

    Anemone Acclimation

    What kind of anemone?
  14. plum70rt

    How long does everone run their Lights?

    I see that alot of people are runing all sorts of lights and wattages, How long do you run the lights on a tank with fish, LR and soft corals? I have a 210 gallon with 560 watts of VHO, Which is on the light side according to most people,so how many hours per day?
  15. plum70rt

    what is the best RO unit to get?

    Check out I have the Barracuda 4 stge RO DI I paid 179.00 on ----, its great 100 GPD, very well made
  16. plum70rt

    Blue Linkia Update

    mine is all over tank, hides a day, then appears again
  17. plum70rt

    New Aquarium Pics

  18. plum70rt

    New Aquarium Pics

  19. plum70rt

    New Aquarium Pics

    pic 1
  20. plum70rt

    New Aquarium Pics

    Very Nice Tank, Today is the 1 Month aniversary of my tanks setup,here are some pics, Before you view, Im new at this and I know that alot of People think that this is too much too soon ,but I have a Pro helping me, and I have not been steered wrong yet, All water perfect, No losses, so let me...