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  1. braydonosu

    Live Rock Question..

    I'm not an expert, but I thought that the flora glo had a wavelenght that is supposed to stimulate plant growth. Were the rocks that you just added to the tank 'live rock' or was it dry base rock? If it was live, you may have had some die off that would explain the not so low ammonia and also...
  2. braydonosu

    Live Rock Question..

    What size tank is this? And how big are the rocks that you are putting in? It looks like you could be going through mini cycles when you put in new live rock. Your ligth period seems ok - depends on what kind of light, and how old the bulbs are - that could be an issue. Regular water changes...
  3. braydonosu

    Live Rock Question..

    How long has the tank been set up for? What are your water perams? Looks like maybe brown diatoms that are normal for a cycling/finishing cycle tank.
  4. braydonosu

    Sand eating fish

    Maybe a diamond goby?
  5. braydonosu

    Stock list!!

    I'm pretty sure that either of the angels would do the trick - they will swim around most of the day. My six line wrasse is always out and about, so you could try one of those too.
  6. braydonosu

    braydonosu's 40 gal

    Now on to the bad stuff. I had to move the back 2 x 4 support over to accomidate the power strip. It got in the way of my drain line so I had to cut away some of the support - it is now a 2 x 2 for the top 4 inches. To move the support I had to lay the stand on it's side - I was not aware...
  7. braydonosu

    braydonosu's 40 gal

    So I took 1 step forward and 2 back this weekend. I am pretty much done with the plumbing, although I am thinking about switching some return lines around. I finished my custom overflow and should be installing it in the next few days. I also mounted my power strip somewhere a little better...
  8. braydonosu

    Another Tank Build...?

    Did you ever get any pics of your new growths from your shroom experiment?
  9. braydonosu

    show off your wrasses

    Here is my six line in my QT tank while I am working on my 40 gal DT. I've had him with pepperments and cleaners and he has never bothered them.
  10. braydonosu

    braydonosu's 40 gal

    I'll get a few more pictures up tomorrow of the rest of the plumbing parts that I got in yesterday - and hopefully of the tank done.
  11. braydonosu

    braydonosu's 40 gal

    Got my order in yesterday - I am now the proud owner of a refractometer. I put the baffle in my sump that will help create a 4" deep sand bed. I also attached the stand pipe to the drain. All I have to do now is finish my custom overflow and attach all of the tubes together. Should be almost...
  12. braydonosu

    do you run a UV Sterilizer?

    There is a lot of evidence that suggests that although the UV sterelizers do some good by eliminating free floating patasites and algae spores, they also cannot differentiate between good and bad. Some good microfauna will also be eliminated. Even with this, there are a lot of people (me...
  13. braydonosu

    braydonosu's 40 gal

    I'll probably have the tank totally plumbed together tonight. Hopefully I can get a leak test done this weekend - maybe when I start to fill this baby up my thread will start to get some interest. Might need 1 more trip to Lowes for some hose clamps, but other than that I think I have...
  14. braydonosu

    do you run a UV Sterilizer?

    I run one. I'm not sure that it is really doing that much for me, but it does put my mind at ease. The way I look at it - it's not hurting anything, and can neutralize algae spores - so why not use it if you've got it. I have mine plumbed into a closed loop system.
  15. braydonosu

    Blue Hippo Tang Min. Tank size?

    You could always try to keep the tang as the center piece and just add 3-4 smaller fish for added color/movment. Firefish, small wrasses, and clowns are always fun to watch and would get along with the tang.
  16. braydonosu

    braydonosu's 40 gal

    So I ordered 2 pumps, a refractometer, some plumbing parts, and other supplies this weekend. I also got some krylon fusion dark blue spray paint to paint my plumbing parts. I decided to go ahead and paint the back too. Here is a pic of the painting process. I still need another coat or two...
  17. braydonosu

    Blue Hippo Tang Min. Tank size?

    What are the exact dimensions on the 66 gal? Kole tangs stay pretty small (6-7") I would think that they are your best bet if you must get a smaller tang. For the Hippo that you asked about I like the above opinions - a 6' tank is best (longer would be better - see some of the 10' long tanks...
  18. braydonosu

    Jasonanatal's 120 Gallon "Advanced Complexity" Reef Aquarium.

    your aquascaping is great - a lot of overhangs and hiding places for fish plus a top shelf for corals. Are you planning to get another set of tangs?
  19. braydonosu

    taller or longer????????????

    Longer - better light penetration and more aquascaping possibilities.
  20. braydonosu

    a few pics i took this past week

    I know that you have probably answered this before - but what kind of lighting are you running on your 72?