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  1. 505titan

    friendly Anemones to all fish

    do you think 260w of light be good for it
  2. 505titan

    friendly Anemones to all fish

    o and a jade filefish
  3. 505titan

    friendly Anemones to all fish

    just wondering what kind of Anemone i can get that won't sting and kill my fish. i dont have any knowledge on how to care for them as well but i will look into it thanks to all. i have 1 porcupine puffer 1 Yellowtail Damselfish 1 Blue Damselfish 1 Three Spot Domino 2 Peppermint Shrimp 6...
  4. 505titan

    new fish still not eating

    any luck
  5. 505titan

    new fish still not eating

    i had the same problem along time ago. my buddy said to try live earth warms and it worked like a charm just cut the worm in small bite size pieces. you can get them from walmart
  6. 505titan

    I'm getting a 750 gal...need ideas!

    i dont think you should put a backround on it. it looks good like that
  7. 505titan

    Clown Babies

    o dude that sucks man good luck next time
  8. 505titan

    How much are you feeding? Porcupine Puffer

    for me i dont know if im doing it right but my porcupine eats 2x a day. a earth worm in the morning and shrimp at night.
  9. 505titan


    thanks guys
  10. 505titan


    yup just looked it up now it does look like it but i think its a jade filefish check it out man
  11. 505titan

    Puffed Puffer... Cutie

    what does your porcupine puffer eat. all mines eats is brine hrimp but its a baby is this ok
  12. 505titan


    its been up for a good month i would say
  13. 505titan


    dont no what kind of filefish he is any one know? this pic is 4weeks old i got more live rock now
  14. 505titan


    big dude its a 150g
  15. 505titan


    look at my new fish. i had it about 3 days now and boy he loves his brine shrimp. if you have one what do you feed him
  16. 505titan

    Puffed Puffer... Cutie

    Originally Posted by leftyblite My puffer built a nest in the sand in the corner of my tank and would rest there when no one was around yup mine just did that to all he does is sleep and eat
  17. 505titan

    Puffed Puffer... Cutie

    hay does your puffer sit on the bottom of your tank. i have a puffer for 3 days and he just ate once look is he sick