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  1. stryder


    I havn't started my tank yet, and I won't add the tangs untill a bit later, but I have a 55 gal. and I'm not sure that is enough room for them but I really like them both! I don't know if I could choose! Stryder
  2. stryder


    What is your guys thoughts on putting two tangs, say a yellow and a blue, in the same tank? I've gotten mixed answers. :) Stryder
  3. stryder

    Tank lid

    I was wondering, if I get a black lid (with lights in it) do I also need a glass cover or is the one with lights enough? Stryder
  4. stryder

    I need advice!

    I'm going for a "fish only" tank. I have a few books, Saltwater Aquariums for Dummies being one of them! :) I've been researching for a while, but it seems like you can't know enough! Stryder
  5. stryder

    I need advice!

    Hello all! I'm a newbie at all this and need as much advice as I can possibly get! A few questions I have off hand are, what are good fish to start out with? If I would have a 45 or 55 gallon tank how much live rock should I put in, and is live rock a good idea? So if you have any advice at all...