Search results

  1. yellow ace

    which clowns?

    ok, well I think I'll move the occ. out and then just not add another fish...better safe than sorry.
  2. yellow ace

    10 gallon; Tomatoe?

    ok, thanks!! Can't wait to get them! :cheer:
  3. yellow ace

    which clowns?

    I have a 46-gallon that already has an a.ocellaris in it and I wanted to move him to my 10-gallon and purchase another occelarris at the same time to add to the 10 gallon. They would be the only two fish in the tank. I can't decide what to put in the 46-gallon in replacemet. Here is the...
  4. yellow ace

    Newbie question

    260 watts of what? MH, PC?
  5. yellow ace

    Feeding Urchins

    ok, well then maybe I'll just stay away from urchins....would rather have corals than an urchin.
  6. yellow ace

    10 gallon; Tomatoe?

    ok. I have one occelaris clown in my 46-gallon. Can I move him to the 10-gallon the day I get another oc, or will that not work? If I can then can I add a pair of tomatos to my 46-gallon?
  7. yellow ace

    10 gallon; Tomatoe?

    I have a ten gallon and am going to make a nano reef. Would a Tomatoe be ok in that small a tank?
  8. yellow ace

    New Pics From My 75

    Awesome tank! You have great Coraline!
  9. yellow ace

    Feeding Urchins

    no, but I plan on getting some. Are urchins not okay for soft corals?
  10. yellow ace


    what about this? "Coralife Metal Halide 150 Watt 10,000K HQI Lamp" maybe two of those? Can I just screw this into my flourecent fixture (that came with the tank) or do I need a new hood?
  11. yellow ace


    ohh....Double-Ended? Ok, well I found one...just have to find the other. Thanks!
  12. yellow ace


    And, yes I would prefer a white light, not a blue.
  13. yellow ace


    What does DE stand for?
  14. yellow ace


    Metal Halide. I have a 46-gallon bowfront tank by all-glass aquariums. How many watts of metal halide should I get? Also, is Ushio a good brand? I found a pair for sale REALLY cheap! 250 watts *EACH* 10,000k.
  15. yellow ace


    What is a sump? Is it neccesary for a tank?
  16. yellow ace

    Feeding Urchins

    I am looking into Pencil urchins. Are they hard? How do I feed him? Should I get a pencil urchin or is a purple urchin better?
  17. yellow ace

    Live Rock Questions

    yeah...I guess you're right. But 199.99 diveided by 45 (lbs.) you would get a pound for $4.44, which is still cheaper than a lot of places. But I do understand that I could be getting it for cheaper. Just for curiosity, you were talking about how we didn't like you mentioning prices that are...
  18. yellow ace

    Live Rock Questions

    Originally Posted by 1journeyman Furthermore, I don't care how deep in the rocks things crawl. Sitting in a warehouse or truck for an extra day is no bueno... so Ya, $50 overnight shipping is worth it! I agree, but they are having a deal right now where it is FREE overnight shipping!! That's...
  19. yellow ace

    new 10 gal (pics)

    AWESOME TANK!! I am about to convert my fw 10 gallon into a nano. You're tank is a dream!! Is it okay if I use the exact same setup with the same livestock?? It's AWESOME!! If you order any of your corals please tell me where. Awesome tank and keep up the GREAT work! (What lighting do you have...
  20. yellow ace

    Live Rock Questions

    ok, well I didn't want to start a fight, I just wanted a few tips. I think I'll go with ordering 45-50 lbs. off this site and then hand pick from there. :joy: