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  1. yellow ace

    A Few Pics Of My 90 Gallon Fish Only Tank

    Awesome tank! The fish are absolutely GORGEOUS!!! How long is the grouper? He's gorgeous!!
  2. yellow ace

    what types of fish should i add to my tank???????????????????

    That sounds like it would be enough....I have a cb without any live rock and not much dead rock. He's been doing fine for 2 wks but i still am going to get some.
  3. yellow ace

    46-bow front

    ok, thanks! Is Fiji the best way to go?
  4. yellow ace

    breeding clowns

    The book Clownfishes covers almost everything you need to know about them...I am going in clownfish myself and am also looking for info.
  5. yellow ace

    46-bow front

    I have a 46-gallon bow front stocked with fish and shrimp. Is lr really neccesary for sw tanks? If so how many pounds do you recommend?
  6. yellow ace

    40 or 135 gallon choice?

    The 40-gallon will be cheaper and easier at the beginning, but in the long run you will probably prefer a larger tank (more space=more fish) and it will be easier to maintian. I say go for it!
  7. yellow ace

    Breeding (fake) percula

    yeah, I was talking about the
  8. yellow ace

    Breeding (fake) percula

    I have had my tank set up for about 2 yrs now.
  9. yellow ace

    Breeding (fake) percula

    Thanks so much!
  10. yellow ace

    Breeding (fake) percula

    Hello, I recently bought 1 coral beauty 5 green chromis 2 peppermint shrimp 1 percula (fake) clownfish 1 cloudy damsel for my fish-only 46-gallon tank that already had 1 yello-tailed blue damsel and 2 firefish gobies. I bought them all from and am VERY happy with my...
  11. yellow ace

    First Attempt at SW - 10 gal

    I have had a 46 gallon tank for about a year now and it is working great. I mixed the water directly in the tank and then added my sand (not live) I cycled it with a blue damsel who is still alive and not aggressive (although he has more space than in a 10-gallon). I currently have: 1 Coral...