40 or 135 gallon choice?


I'm thinking about SWF again. Not sure how I'll filter, but I'm thinking about Eheim, HOB and skimmer with some live rock. I'm not leaning toward a DSB. I've never had a SW tank smaller than 65 gallon before. Would the 40 be too much trouble? Would it need a sump?
Would the 135 cost a lot more to set up? I think it would be more stable once cycled, and easier to maintain. I have an Eheim 2217 on it, and it's full of Malawi cichlids. I have a 30 gallon I could use for a quarrantine.

yellow ace

The 40-gallon will be cheaper and easier at the beginning, but in the long run you will probably prefer a larger tank (more space=more fish) and it will be easier to maintian. I say go for it!

sinner's girl

na, it won't really cost more. I'd go with the larger tank. You don't have to add tons of ls and lr all at once. Just add some base rock, a little lr and add lr and/or base rock as you want.
the 40 wouldn't need a sump and I have 55 and 75 and no sumps.


Active Member
I agree...the 135 wont be much more at all...little bigger skimmer and heater. Couple extra powerheads and you have upgraded. Like Sinner's Girl said, you can add sand and rock as you progress through this hobby. Lights are going to be a bit more if you want to have a reef but not needed to start the tank.


Active Member
I'd definately go with the 135 gallon if you have a little extra money. Keep in mind though that its three times the maintainance as the 40 gallon tank. Sometimes I dread spot-feeding all my corals in just a 55 gallon tank.... I imagien a fully-stocked 135 gallon would be daunting sometimes.


BIGGER is BETTER... i have a 90 thats been up for about 3 1/2 months with 3 fish and some coral... now i want a bigger one! =(


Active Member
setting up a bigger tank is not much more.. i mean.. yeah they cost a lil more but compare to a pump or whatnot for a smaller 1.. it's not much more.. and well worth it.. and trust me... you will need a bigger tank down the line.. ( ill give u 6 months before u get the sudden urge to get a bigger tank
) heck.. i started with a 155 bf.. and i still think it's to small!! my next tank will be minimal of 300 gals.. so go bigger.. ohhh and bigger = more water volum = more stable and easier to take care of..


OK I'm thinking fish only. Not sure what kind yet. Eheim, power heads, skimmer, base rock and some LR. How about an AC 500? Is that a good idea?
Thanks everyone.


If you buy everything for the smaller tank. Then buy a bigger tank. You wasted some of that $$ that you can't swap over to the bigger tank. Like lighting. If you try to sell it you don't get back what you payed for it ............... definatly go bigger
OR you could do TWO saltwater tanks huh ????