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  1. guinness

    Cleaner Crew for Brown Algae

    my tank is about 10 months out and i am having a bloom of brown hair algae. i got a sandsifter starfish, hcs, snails, and a goby. they cleaned up the sand wonderfully. i am still having issues with hair algae on the rocks. the hcs, snails, lawnmower blenny and tang seem to not touch it. help...
  2. guinness

    egg crate question

    Originally Posted by Bang Guy It's my understanding that the type of eggcrate that redirects the light is only effective for flourescent lighting. It will still block light from MH. **guinness** - do you have a canopy? No, my mh are 6 inches above supported from the sides of the tank. the mh...
  3. guinness

    egg crate question

    I have read that one is not to use glass to cover the tank. I have MHs and was not going to cover my tank when my wrasse decided to take a jump. Luckily I was able to save him. I was wondering if egg crate would be as effective for jumpers if placed just around the edges for a few inches...
  4. guinness

    Cover lids on Aquariums, Good or Bad?

    will the egg crate cause any problems with blocking the lighting