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  1. gman08016

    Who keep deleting my threads

    read the rules it helps
  2. gman08016

    Selling the whole tank

    Hey Rob how much for the larger sun coral either shipped or meet up again.I could meet you closer to your house if you want.Thanks,Gary
  3. gman08016

    Gary's 150 aga

    Originally Posted by spoils94 Wow, lots of coralline very nice Do the tangs fight at all? Nah they haven't ever fought.Its the one little blue damsel that wants to fight everyone thats in the tank
  4. gman08016

    Gordon's 44 gallon pentagon reef

    Nice tank but next time turn your flash off.They should come out better with your tank lights on only.
  5. gman08016

    Selling the whole tank

    Hey Rob thanks for meeting up with me monday.Will email you next week to see what you have left.
  6. gman08016

    Gary's 150 aga

    Couple of pics tank is just over a year old.
  7. gman08016


    Bought 2 acer computers there for next to nothing.I luv that sight
  8. gman08016

    No more rics or zoas

    Well i cant say i have bought any rics from Mike.Not to say that i would like to in the future.He does look like he is the man when it comes to them.I am a little shocked that a mod or two haven't spoke up yet.Would really like to hear there side of the story about this issue.In my eyes if he is...
  9. gman08016

    three clams for sale

    Originally Posted by privatejoker I still have the clams. Which fish store are you talking about? I can get the Bristol in about 40 minutes. I won't be back until Friday and I work this weekend, but I'm free on Monday. Sounds good joker i will take the tear drop.Am off monday with the holiday...
  10. gman08016

    three clams for sale

    Originally Posted by privatejoker tear drop to $35 and derasa down to $65. Might be interested in the tear drop.Do you ever hit the fish stores in Bristol.Could meet you at one of them.
  11. gman08016

    WTB: Moonlights

    Rick where are you located.I have moonlights on my 150 i think you might like.Your more than welcome to check them out.
  12. gman08016

    Kenya Tree for Sale or Trade

    Just fragged 7 new ones if anybody is interested.Also have some xenia and mushrooms just fragged.Rather not ship xenia as it does not ship well
  13. gman08016

    Whos got frags in New Jersey

    Will try to get some pics up by friday.
  14. gman08016

    Whos got frags in New Jersey

    just fragged them yesterday green and purple
  15. gman08016

    Whos got frags in New Jersey

    I have kenye trees and shrooms almost ready to go.Located in Burlington N.J.
  16. gman08016

    150 Upgrade

    Tank looks good hope the skimmer worked out for you.
  17. gman08016

    Kenya Tree for Sale or Trade

    Originally Posted by fishfryer where in nj do you live for pick up? Burlington City right next to the Burlington-Bristol Bridge.I have 7-8 large frags ready was going to take them to my fish store today just let me know i will keep one if your interested.
  18. gman08016

    Kenya Tree for Sale or Trade

    Originally Posted by PerfectDark I hear that I got 7 growing now and new ones popping up every day. I cant give em away... LOL All else fails local fish store takes them but give you credit which does work out.
  19. gman08016

    Kenya Tree for Sale or Trade

    Originally Posted by slt wtr stupid what kind of light do these require? Don't think you need halides think compacts or vho's would be enough.Mine are under halides with vho's and grow pretty fast.