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  1. drea

    It's funny how different things are when youve been a hobbiest for a while.

    Originally Posted by Tizzo First tank... You buy polyps, zoas, xenia, just because you can keep it. Fish... if ONE person says their parrot-fish didn't eat coral, you "chance it" But after you've had an established tank and are starting a new one, it takes months to find the first perfect...
  2. drea

    WTB: Mushrooms

    what kind of shrooms are you looking for? i'll pm you
  3. drea

    coral id please

    is this a green purple eater? and what the other paly? its huge, like quarter coin size...
  4. drea

    Yuma's, shrooms and Zoa's in PA, will ship

    Originally Posted by namas05 Yep what hex said. A yuma is a ric, but a ric is not always a yuma,,lol thanx guys
  5. drea

    Yuma's, shrooms and Zoa's in PA, will ship

    can't wait to get mine! now is this a ric a yuma or a ricyuma?
  6. drea

    Trader Feedback

    well, this is the second time i have been screwed by deadbeats.... zoonut promised xmen zoos... noticed he had a big problem on reefcentral also w/ this... i did pay w/ paypal, but there is nothing they can really do since no money is in his account... what can you do, i mean i can't kill...
  7. drea

    Limited Edition Tyree Watermelon chalice

    nice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i'm still on the 50$ per frag level or 80 for acan... 200 for chalice, thats nuts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but in 2 yrs i'll pro be buying 200$ frags
  8. drea

    Fragging this monster up - Acanlord - CO

    thats an amazig deal, you will def sell all your frags, nice acan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. drea

    lights not working, help please!!

    where can u buy ballasts and are they hard to replace?
  10. drea

    Getting out of Hobby!! Everything for sale!!

    i just spent about 400 in the last couple months too.. otherwise i'd go nuts right now! its amazing, there was a time when i thought reef stuff was just stupid,,,, then i thought ok, but i would never pay 50$ for ppe....... now i have like 30 diff corals and addicted... i'm sure some of you feel...
  11. drea

    anyone on long island with frags f/s

    Originally Posted by DragonZim Hey Andre Right now I've got a bunch of Kenya tree and about 100 of those red shrooms that I got from you last year. Those things spread like wildfire! I've got an arrangement worked out with Aqua Hut to trade them the Kenya. I'm about to make my second trade...
  12. drea

    anyone on long island with frags f/s

    Originally Posted by DragonZim LI Geo - I've got a boatload of Kenya Tree frags that I just mounted this weekend to trade into an LFS. If you want one, its yours... sup!!! have anything to trade? how is it going?
  13. drea

    anyone on long island with frags f/s

    Originally Posted by rc1626 drea, pm sent. L.I. Geo, Stony Brook area. How about you? Zarro (Mark) - Thanks but right now just looking for stuff close to home that I could go pick up. Rob pm'd hopefully we can all get a group of people for long island that way we can trade often in the future
  14. drea

    anyone on long island with frags f/s

    pm returned, lmk guys
  15. drea

    anyone on long island with frags f/s

    whats up guys i'm in smithtown, i have red mushrooms (singles or on rocks, blues, green) pink zoos (bubble gum or cotton candy i forget) blue african zoos, fire and ice xenia orange/peach zoos green people eaters wamin watermelons frogspawn dragon eyes and a bunch of other stuff
  16. drea

    My favorite Blasto

    now that is a really nice coral!
  17. drea

    Misc. Pic's of my 35 Gal.

    yeah, need full shot of tank, look good so far
  18. drea

    My 46 Gal

    starting new is the best!
  19. drea

    Ricordia Yawning

  20. drea

    dipping zoos and sps or baths before main tank?

    i usually just check them out and put them in.. i guess i have been lucky.. buty after reading some horror stories i would like to know what to do to corals before introducing them to the main tank? is dipping zoos in frech water for 10 min good enough? and is there a bath i use w/ sps corals? thanx