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  1. M

    Need assistance with stocking lists

    Should be fine for a while as long as you got it small, but again, they require a large tank when fully grown. They can reach a foot in length as well.
  2. M

    Need assistance with stocking lists

    If you want to put into a 55 gal tank a fish that grows to be a foot in length then yes, you can physically put a Niger Trigger in there. That doesnt mean you should. If you get it as a tiny fish it would be fine, but you would need to find a more suitable home for it eventually. According to...
  3. M

    Need assistance with stocking lists

    Dwarf Lionfish gets to be around 7in and can eat fish it fits in its mouth.
  4. M

    Novahobbies official 110g rebuild thread

    What a bummer. Sorry to hear about that. All of that hard work, time, and money and care put into that setup just for that to happen. I live in the SW Houston area and about 7 or 8 years ago we had a hurricane hot and lost power for a few days....turned my tank water into pea soup. I didnt...
  5. M

    Need assistance with stocking lists

    Damsels suck.....they are aggressive. IMO, aggressive fish should be added last. Most triggers should not be housed in anything less than 125gal. Some of them require 300gal or more. Triggers can grow to over a foot in length....way too big for a 55 and a 38gal. If you are going to a 55 you may...
  6. M

    Need help identifing please

    The first pic almost looks kind of like a torch coral of some sort. Break that piece off of the other one and glue it to a frag plug.
  7. M

    How long does it take for frags to open?

    The picture is a little grainy, but to me it looks like a type of candy cane coral; also called torch coral and a couple of other names. They are a hardy LPS type, large polyp stony coral. They are awesome corals that have long sweeper tenticles that come out at night. See the link below and...
  8. M

    How long does it take for frags to open?

    You need to post a pic so people can see what you are talking about. Also, what kind of coral frags are they? You need to know the requirements of that coral. May be it is too much light, or not enough. Too much or too little of current. Lots of answers can be given. Water parameters such as...
  9. M

    I need Kenya tree coral help !!

    Thats what I just said.
  10. M

    I need Kenya tree coral help !!

    I have had them do that before and then frag off 2 to 4 pieces.
  11. M

    I need Kenya tree coral help !!

    Sounds like it is about to fragment itself.
  12. M

    Weird Starfish Looking Creature in my tank?

    I didnt know starfish had "testicles"
  13. M

    Yellow Tang

    What is the diagnosis?
  14. M

    Yellow Tang

    Look up....encapsulated digenetic trematodes. I found on another forum where someone had a similar ailment on their Tang. Not sure what the outcome was or the treatment, but it is worth researching. You might try the freshwater dip method too and see if that helps...maybe aome copper treatment.
  15. M

    Decided to make a canopy today

    I love the blue background. That back glass will get covered in corraline algae at some point.....unless you scrape it off. Most just let it grow.
  16. M

    I've Been Bitten by the Salt BUG

    Then they should be a fine addition. I had a couple in my fish only tank years ago and had to get rid of them after I convertes to a reef.
  17. M

    I've Been Bitten by the Salt BUG

    If you plan on keeping soft corals ever I would skip on the CC starfish. They will eat them up.
  18. M

    lucky me...

    I would plan to get a quarantine tank. You can get a 10 gallon kit for $49.99. I do it with every fish or coral. I keep it in there for two weeks. I use copper to get rid of any parasites. I use the HOB filter without the carbon pad. I just do a water change in my 90g and put that into the 10g...
  19. M

    RO vs RODI

    My neighborhood has a community well and we have hard water at a 17 grain and my TDS before my softener is about 470 tds and after my DI it is 0. I havent checked what it is after my RO membrane...I need to hook up the meter to it. I know I had to replace my DI resin after the first 50 gallons...