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  1. coloradodeb

    ID this (?) worm

    It is growing on the glass in the fuge.....and I would like to find out what it is...also had some growing in my filter...any ideas would be appreciated....thank you debs
  2. coloradodeb

    Adware Giving Me The PC Blow Up Blues

    Try going to type in search area lavasoft......there is a free download that will stop the garbage that tries to enter your puter...sure helped me!:yes: debs
  3. coloradodeb

    ordering and free shipping

    and they now have added bit extra for gasoline...........
  4. coloradodeb

    Never ending story...

    "off with your antennae!"
  5. coloradodeb

    Never ending story...

    the old popcorn man,
  6. coloradodeb

    Never ending story...

    The damsel chased after.............
  7. coloradodeb

    Most Expensive Fish!

    A harlequin tusk.......85.00
  8. coloradodeb

    green bubble algae. ....

    Thank you for your reply. I finally, just now, used a larger diameter tube than the bubble, placed it over the buble, started a siphon, then popped it aff using the tube...I can only hope now that I didn't spread too darned many spores. This is the first time I have ever seen a bubble algae...
  9. coloradodeb

    green bubble algae. ....

    Ok I know I have seen it posted here before, But I have a hard green bubble algae growing and did someone sy, et a fingernail underneath it and pop it off? I am so scared of popping it.....but it is rather hard to the do you pull it off again? thank you debs
  10. coloradodeb

    Never ending story...

    and the salesman replied, "
  11. coloradodeb

    Never ending story...

    the eaten pancakes were,
  12. coloradodeb

    Never ending story...

    enough, as an emaciated...........
  13. coloradodeb

    frogspan pic

    Trying to new addition..have had it for about 4 hours now
  14. coloradodeb

    tank turned brown over night and fish dieing HELP

    Ok first off we need all of your water perameters.....that will be a lot of help......any plant tlife in there at all?? Did you have a power outage, and the power came back on and caused a massive amount of "crud" out of your filters??? More information please.....
  15. coloradodeb

    Never ending story...

    Next chapter: A beautiful sunset rested
  16. coloradodeb

    humma humma triger

    OOoooooooooohhhh, would love to see a picture!!!
  17. coloradodeb

    humma humma triger

    I had to laugh...will eat anything......That is SO true........and they smack when they eat too!! Mine has not bothered my snails......yet........ But he does love to eat whatever I put in the tank. Mainly meaty foods or flakes or occasionally will accidentally "nip" my finger. I adore him!!!!
  18. coloradodeb

    Never ending story...

    were all dead!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. coloradodeb

    Never ending story...

    The grizzled old bear..........
  20. coloradodeb

    Never ending story...

    stomped on by a