Search results

  1. michelle l

    green/blue chromis

    Well, not me. I bought 3, one died. About a month or two later, another died. I have had that third lonely green chromis now for a year and a half, and he's a tough little booger. Survived two tank moves in my 125 and also survived a trip into my prefilter box where he spent a day trapped next...
  2. michelle l

    I got worms!!

    What is this....spaghetti worm or peanut worm, or neither? Good or bad?
  3. michelle l

    Overflow size & Mag pumps

    Thanks! Yeah, I didn't want to plumb inline. I was thinking of using two submersibles because then I could route the flow to each end of the tank instead of one strong flow to one spot. What size overflow boxes would you recommend?
  4. michelle l

    Overflow size & Mag pumps

    I have searched through the forums and can't really find what I am looking for. Sorry!! I am setting up a 125 gallon reef system, and my tank isn't drilled. I'm not willing to risk drilling it myself and nobody in my area will do the job, so I am going to have to use overflows on the back of my...
  5. michelle l

    any drs. out there? have a question about crones

    My brother had this 25 years ago...I don't know exactly what process his treatment involved but he's 100% healthy now. As a matter of fact, he's actually a little overweight now. :) So, keep your chin up!
  6. michelle l

    WTB:large tank

    This isn't mine, so I don't know if it's still for sale, but this is listed in my local classifieds ad: "220 GALLON Fish tank. Freshwater setup. Undergravel. Powerheads. Power filters. Iron stand. $700. You move. 309/275-6122 Peoria." (Central Illinois)
  7. michelle l


    Trust me on this one, at $25 a month with no hidden fees, I'd say that eventually a good percentage of people who have cable internet will make the switch. Bottom line is that adds up to money reduced from telephone companies who charge way too much for lousy service. :mad: Any customers lost...
  8. michelle l


    I've had it now for about a month. I absolutely LOVE it. I've had no problems whatsoever. Quality of sound is great.....every bit as good as my regular phone service was.... and has always been reliable. Every now and then I will catch what sounds like a slight echo in my voice during a call if...
  9. michelle l

    Weird Eating Habits

    Raw green beans straight out of the garden. Salt sprinkled lavishly on my tomatoes, cucumbers, apples (can't even touch an apple without salt) watermelon, and cantaloupe. I can drink A1 sauce straight from the bottle, given the chance. Whole spoonfuls of cream cheese, dipped in granulated sugar...
  10. michelle l

    Your favorite eat

    Tilapia!! Yum!!
  11. michelle l

    Movie One-liners!!!

    "Are you telling me that the coconuts are migrating???"
  12. michelle l

    Movie One-liners!!!

    Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah, mmmmm', if you could just get me those TPC reports, that would be great.
  13. michelle l

    ugh... teeth...

    Originally Posted by SDPetie isn't that the material for chest augumentations? Are you asking if a sealant is the material used for chest augmentations? Do you mean [hr] augmentations? If so, then no it's not.... [hr] implants are filled with saline, or on a less common basis, silicone...
  14. michelle l

    Name a person whom you admire on this board

    RUAround and Darth Tang!!
  15. michelle l

    pics that don't belong in the fish photo thread.

    Originally Posted by jdragunas i have some great ones at home, i'll post them later tonight... and socal... HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! 'your mom' LOLOLOLOLOL btw, stupid people are going to take over the world... this is how it will happen: nowadays, stupid kids start having kids at like 14, while the...
  16. michelle l

    Champlain Monster taped!!

    Looks like a fish...... :happyfish
  17. michelle l

    Do you take a shower/bath in the morning or at night

    Originally Posted by jdragunas lol, but those secretions are good and necessary to have healthy and vital skin, otherwise, your body wouldn't produce them... Yeah, I know, that's probably why I scratch like I have fleas all winter because my skin is so dry! I wonder what it is about humans that...
  18. michelle l

    Do you take a shower/bath in the morning or at night

    Originally Posted by jdragunas taking a shower more than 1 time a day will dry out your skin and your hair... i shower in the morning. I don't get dirty during the day... i don't know what all of you do durning the day that gets you so dirty... If i work out, i shower after that. I also only...
  19. michelle l

    Do you take a shower/bath in the morning or at night

    I shower in the morning and take a long, hot bath at night. I feel disgusting if I don't shower every morning. Also, I shave my legs every day without fail or I feel nasty!