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  1. moepenny68

    Id Please

    Originally Posted by rlablan is this a picture of your sump? Is that were this algae is at? Yep
  2. moepenny68

    Id Please

    It comes off pretty easy Im going to do a water change and stuck it out, and then point my flow at that wall and see what happens..
  3. moepenny68

    Id Please

    I am guessing it is Cladophora? Although I can not seem to find out much about it still.
  4. moepenny68

    Id Please

    The algae coming off the glass?
  5. moepenny68

    Starting up the 90g

    Here are a few pics of my refug. Since I am putting those pics up any one know what algae is growing off the glass? As for a lot of the coral stock it all came from my 16g that had to come down asap. Yes I know that the fish load is a bit quick but with no LFS within a 3h drive its hard for me...
  6. moepenny68

    Starting up the 90g

    The clowns and a few others...
  7. moepenny68

    Starting up the 90g

    Lemonpeel didnt make it.
  8. moepenny68

    black and white false percs

    Just ordered 2 myself 1 made it 1 didn't, but my blue hippo was in the best shape out of the bunch. No LFS in my area so like you I will try again...
  9. moepenny68

    Starting up the 90g

    Well I have 3 already... I decided to put my yellow watchman in. Then I placed another order from a different but also very popular site, big mistake. After 4 days of them calling me telling me some of the fish I ordered weren't looking good and they would rather not send them and would I like...
  10. moepenny68

    Fuge lighting 24/7 or RDL?

    Right now some LR, 4-6 in sand bed, chaeto, and what looks like on the left side of the glass like maybe a diff type of plant? right now i run my light at night.
  11. moepenny68

    Starting up the 90g

    Few updated pics. Fish should be here Wed.
  12. moepenny68

    Fuge lighting 24/7 or RDL?

    There maybe a thread out there on this and if so please point me that way, but I have searched and have come up empty handed. The answer I am after is do you run your refugium lighting 24/7 or do you run it opposite of your tank lighting (Reverse Day Light)? I have read on the + and - of doing...
  13. moepenny68

    Starting up the 90g

    Originally Posted by Flower Two clowns max, I wouldn't put 4 in there.. Sorry the 3-4 is 3rd and 4th fish. Only 2 clowns for me =] just need to decide what 2...
  14. moepenny68

    Starting up the 90g

    Some close up shot. Chalice Green Eye Mummy Frag Candy Cane with a Red Leg Frogspawn Purple/Green Giant Hairy mushroom Orange Skirt Polyps
  15. moepenny68

    Starting up the 90g

    I am putting together a stock list... advise is always appreciated 1.Lemonpeel Angelfish 2.A tang... maybe a naso? 3-4.Clowns. I have one maroon in my small tank, ( it killed my other a week or so after I put them in together) so not sure if I want to try another when i put them in together or...
  16. moepenny68

    Starting up the 90g

    Moved most of my small tank over...
  17. moepenny68

    Starting up the 90g

    Originally Posted by Flower It’s hard to tell from a picture… Did you place the rock first and sand in after? Be sure rock is on the bottom because later on sand sifting critters or digging ones could cause a rock slide breaking the tank or killing your critters. Easy fix, just move the sand...
  18. moepenny68

    Starting up the 90g

    Originally Posted by acrylic51 Here's a pic of what your skimmer is capable of doing That is amazing... I have no other words
  19. moepenny68

    Starting up the 90g

    I haven't had much time to take pics of the process but here are a few. I have a 16g that will be coming down when this is up and going. 90g 30g sump asm g1x skimmer 100 lb. key largo base rock 25 lb. Bali Alor 100-120lbs sand 2x koralia 1050 2 t5 54w 2 250 mh
  20. moepenny68

    Lighting for 90g... help.

    Hamilton Technology Belize Sun 48 inch MH & T5 Fixtures, 2 250 HQI Metal Halide Bulb & 2X54W T5 HO or Marineland Marine Series Pro Metal Halide Fixture 2X150W HQI & 4X54W T5, 48 inch ? Anyone have ideas about these?