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  1. dab4u2

    Agressive Tank

    I am currently cylcling my 250 with some damsels. I would like to have a shark, an eel, and a ray. What else could I put in the tank with those guys? And will the damsels become lunch when I put any of those in? Thanks
  2. dab4u2

    Plumbing Help

    I just bought a 250 gallon aquarium with 2 overflows. Each overflow has two holes drilled in the bottom. One about 2" and one aboaut 2 3/4" in diameter. I have also purchased a Mag 36. What is the best way to set this up properly?
  3. dab4u2

    Please Help

    I just bought a 250 gallon aquarium with 2 overflows. Each overflow has two holes drilled in the bottom. One about 2" and one aboaut 2 3/4" in diameter. I have also purchased a Mag 36. What is the best way to set this up properly?
  4. dab4u2

    Dead fish

    It's frustrating because I have read that if you are lazy not to get into this hobby. I feel like I have done everything that I can do and I still lost my fish. I am learning that patience is the name of this game. I appreciate everyones help.
  5. dab4u2

    Dead fish

    I do not have any fish now. I am assuming from your comments that the parasites will not bother the inverts and will eventually die from a lack of food?
  6. dab4u2

    Dead fish

    My water flow is about 500gph with an overflow and a sump.
  7. dab4u2

    Dead fish

    Thanks Bang for your help. Honestly, I am no feeding anything to my inverts. The snails suck on the glass all day, and I assumed the crabs and starfish consumed waste off of the bottom. I have another question though. If it is disease or parasites, can I safely do a massive water change...
  8. dab4u2

    Dead fish

    I am not having any luck keeping fish in my aquarium. I have had a total of 5 fish to die in the past month. All of my levels are perfect. I lost 3 about the same time so I thought maybe I put too many in at once. I did a 25% water change afterwards and another 10% water change a week later...
  9. dab4u2

    Please Help

    I'm sorry, not 88......78.
  10. dab4u2

    Please Help

    Okay, I guess this is a dumb question then: How do you cool you tank?
  11. dab4u2

    Please Help

    I am using a sump system with biological balls. The tank is a 55 gallon. You know what is odd is that my levels never spiked at all. They stayed at 0 because I tested every day multiple times a day. Is there anything else I need to look for?
  12. dab4u2

    Please Help

    I am acclimating like this website suggest, the drip method. Although I have not purchased any from this site it looked like the best way to acclimate. I am adding a variety of tangs (Naso, Hippo, Fox) as well as a Pygmy Angel, a Pecula Clown, and a damsel. I have lost them all. Thanks for...
  13. dab4u2

    Please Help

    I have an aquarium that is roughly 3 months old. It cycle about a month ago. All of my levels look good but I keep losing fish. 0 ppm on Nitrite and Ammonia and 10 on nitrate. About 8.1 on PH. My temp is roughly 88 and salinity at 1.023. What else could be causing me to lose fish?