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  1. sloppyjoseph

    New stuff has arrived :)

    Cool new additions. Im glad your shrimp worked out. I got a cleaner shrimp yesterday. Drip aclimated for over 2hrs and it died within 30 minutes of being in my tank.
  2. sloppyjoseph

    Id please

    Funny. I bought a colony that looks EXACTLY like that this weekend too. I paid $15 for mine. How much were yours?
  3. sloppyjoseph

    Growth/Spreading Rates

    Man take my adivce with a grain of salt since im a noob. But since i've had my tank (3 weeks) I had a very small colony of Watermelon zoa's and I have noticed that they have gotten much larger then when I first had them. I've also added a colony of neon green zoas also just this past weekend to...
  4. sloppyjoseph

    Help a noob with possible Ick problem. Poor fish! With Pics...

    So I picked up an established (1.5 yr) aquapod from a buddy of mine. It is 24g with PC's. It came with a clown. I stocked it with a Coral Beauty, Six line Wrasse, Rockline Goby, and a bunch of coral and inverts. So everything was fine until yesterday when I noticed something on my Pigmy angel...
  5. sloppyjoseph

    started all over again?

    Beautiful tank. Way to hang there and not let it keep you down. I think my bank account would be drained on a tank like that. Lord knows my nano is expensive enough.
  6. sloppyjoseph

    Aquacsaping, show me your best!

    Thats a very cool idea. I think to mix that idea as more of a "Background" then add the normal "in the sand" aquascaping up front with some caves and what not for things to hide in would look very cool.  
  7. sloppyjoseph

    anemone dead? quick...respond please

    Bummer man. Where did you order these from?
  8. sloppyjoseph

    Anemone ID? Help please.

    Hello all. A friend just gave me an anemone. He said when he purchased it was labeled as a Long Tenticled Anemone. It's solid white, even the base. I told him that you should never buy a white nem and now he knows. We all make a mistake every now and then but im trying to nurse this dude back. I...
  9. sloppyjoseph

    Leaving the Hobby

    If you don't enjoy it anymore or can't find time for it, you did the right thing! Its hard but you know you made the correct decision.
  10. sloppyjoseph

    Nano Reefers! Info and Tank Photos!

    Whats up guys. Im a noob to this hobby but I got started with an established 24g Aquapod from a friend about a week ago. I was set to buy a 46g but got this one instead. My buddy took all of his stuff he grew out of it but left me some really cool stuff to start off with. Heres a list.   Tank...
  11. sloppyjoseph

    Nano Reefers! Info and Tank Photos!

    Whats up guys. Im a noob to this hobby but I got started with an established 24g Aquapod from a friend about a week ago. I was set to buy a 46g but got this one instead. My buddy took all of his stuff he grew out of it but left me some really cool stuff to start off with. Heres a list.   Tank...