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  1. 90reefkepr

    My new nano pics

    id like to get those plans about the lights too please im thinking of getting a 24 g nano cube. wish me luck!! heres my email ( Email me plz
  2. 90reefkepr

    tank bred clowns

    i was thinking about a ritteri anenome in a 24gallon nano cube deluxe but that is going to be for a pair of true perculas. mabye i should switch and put the ocellaris in the ritteri and the percula in the LTA?
  3. 90reefkepr

    tank bred clowns

    i have heard that tank breed clowns will not enter anenomes. is this true? I have 2 ocellaris and they do not have a care in the world about the anenome. Every night they go to the suface near my powerhead and sleep there. is this normal? Also my anenome is a long tentacle. Its about 4-5 inch...
  4. 90reefkepr

    What kind of anemone?

    Peppermint shrimp will also take care of those.
  5. 90reefkepr

    Mandarin owners poll

    I have 2 green mandarins 1 male and 1 female they hang out together but they are getting very thin. can any one suggest something to me because he doesnt eat anything i put in for him( freeze dried blood worms, freeze dried red grubs, and frozen mysid shrimp). they do pick off the rock and they...
  6. 90reefkepr

    Live Rock turning white / Other Tank Questions

    ur water looks very cloudy i personally think that ur should have a better filter. I dont think that hang on powerfilters are the way to go. also i would suggest getting a protien skimmer if you dont have one they help. If you had a sand bottom i could have suggested getting a dimond goby but...
  7. 90reefkepr

    Peppermint Vs Cleaner Shrimp!??!

    I recieved 10 peppermint shrimp from on friday and it says 1 inch they were between 1/4 -3/4 inch. well anyway now im out about 25 dollars cause theres only like 3 left... actually u might not have guessed but my 2 skunk cleaner shrimp teamed up and took out about 4 peppermint shrimp...
  8. 90reefkepr

    Large Tanks

    I say less agressive fish like grammas, gobies,dwarf angels, and a few tangs
  9. 90reefkepr

    FEather Duster

    It will take between about 2 1/2 weeks-2 months for the new feather to grow back, but that is taking into accont that your calcium and iodine levels are good.