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  1. clownfish1452

    Mollies in saltwater?

    I did it the same way i do all salt fish aclimating. and my fish did really really good but my fish did not like it. sarah
  2. clownfish1452 Live Rock

    yes more than i wanted and have only had it for 4 months i have found small mantis shrimp on them at night. but it is very nice rock i have found two different kinds of sponges on them and my little feather dusters. sarah
  3. clownfish1452 Live Rock

    here is a another pic
  4. clownfish1452 Live Rock

    Here is my tank most rock from
  5. clownfish1452

    265 gallon tank

    So they work good with groupers. because i have one small grouper, sweet lips, and puffer. so i have messy fish. three would work good thank you sarah
  6. clownfish1452

    265 gallon tank

    i really like fluval because i already have three in my other tanks 27 hex, 55, and 60 hex but i did know if they would be good but i would like to use fluval do you think i would need two one for each side. measurements 84x24x30 Thanks Sarah
  7. clownfish1452

    265 gallon tank

    I am thinking of buying a 265 gallon tank and i was wondering what kind of equipment i would need. This is what i have found on line. wet/dry with bio balls 2 (6) foot skimmers (4) 802 powerheads (6) heaters 300w each (2) large air pumps I wanted to know if I need any thing else. Thank You...
  8. clownfish1452

    New Live Rock

    i did the fresh water dip on all my live rock and i still have matis shrimp. sarah
  9. clownfish1452

    Help Help Help

    No, it should not bother your fish i have well water and my fish do perfectly fine in the water. i have almost every in my water.
  10. clownfish1452

    Your Favorite Tang?

  11. clownfish1452

    ordering live rock from

    i have gotten two orders of live rock from and it is very nice rock. the peices in both of my orders were very big. we broke most of the rocks because they were so big. but the rock is the best rock i have seen. sarah
  12. clownfish1452

    cleaner shrimp...

    has anyone ever had a sailfin tang eat a cleaner shimp. because i went on vac. and i had my mom taking care of my tank and when i came home my shimp was gone. my mom said she thinks the tang ate the shimp. sarah
  13. clownfish1452

    Seaweed for Tangs

    I use to feed my sailfin tang Sea Veggies green seaweed and he loved it. but i went to a new store and saw Seaweed Selects brown marine algae. i thought he would like to try something different. but now he will only eat the brown algae. what i want to know is will it be ok for him to eat...
  14. clownfish1452

    Feather Dusters for Lunch

    i have a porupine puffer and it ate all the feathers off one of my feather dusters one night. but i got the feather out and it was doing ok but a few days ago it came out its tube and now it is party hiding under a rock. it seems to still be alive. but does anyone know what could be going on...
  15. clownfish1452

    "Hole-in-the-head" disease???

    if it is hole in the head you want to treat with vit. put it in the water and feed it to the fish on seaweed and morrsels. that is how i got rid of mine. sarah
  16. clownfish1452

    too hot

    my tank gets over 84 everyday but i do not seem to have a problem. but i do turn off my lights. so the lights are not warming up the water more. Sarah
  17. clownfish1452

    hole in the head

    I had the same thing with my sail fin tang but i healed it up with vit. soaked seaweed and nutrafin max slow sinking morsels. what i did was first got my tang to have a taste for them by putting them in first to eat early in the morning so she started to really like them. then i put them on a...
  18. clownfish1452

    Longest and shortest times you had an anemone?

    shortest 1 week longest 3 months
  19. clownfish1452

    please help ID

    LBizkit1452 is my name on image station thank you very much sarah
  20. clownfish1452

    how old are you
