Search results

  1. ohiorn67

    DFW--JBJ 12g Nano Cube for sale

    I am interested if you decide that you will ship. If you choose to ship I would like to get a picture first. Thank you!!! :happy:
  2. ohiorn67

    Hardware gotta go

    need your email....... could not get it to go through saltwaterfish....
  3. ohiorn67

    Time to give away my maroon clown?

    my maroon is also the sweetest, but she hates when I add new corals around her aread, I also had to epoxy 2 things because she booted them right off their spot until they fell in the sand...cracked me up. She also does the little swishy dance in the sand in her cave and has built up a hole...
  4. ohiorn67

    New UV System on 90 Reef Tank

    does anyone know if a UV will help keep out cyanobacteria?? red slime????
  5. ohiorn67

    Hardware gotta go

    I am going to be purchasing a 180 and currently have a 90. I am looking for any equipment I might have to you have a skimmer by chance? Also I will need a new sump but these are a bit higher than I want to spend once I ship it. Let me know and I would gladly be interested in some...
  6. ohiorn67

    Bitter Break-up need to sell 125 in MASS.

    HI Kerri, sorry for your breakup!!! Maybe one day you can come back to the hobby once thngs settle down. I am Nashville, Tn and looking for a setup but you are too far for me. If you decide to break up I would be interseted in more info regarding your lights and your protien skimmer and would...
  7. ohiorn67

    125 gallon reef set up for sale in N.C.

    I am interested in you protien skimmer, please tell me more about it along with tank size it will handle and if it is in pic please?
  8. ohiorn67

    Sick clown? Need Help!!

    head a powerhead up towards the surface to break the surface for a while and see if that helps. I had this happen with my clowns once....they were my only fish at th time..I have 90 and had surface breaking well but in the deeper 90 apparently not enough and when I turned a powerhead up, all was...
  9. ohiorn67

    Ordering New Tank..please show me your favorite PLUMBING!!

    hi Rick...that is a great pic, definitely helps. Do have a refugium part on that sump no pictured? I am trying to d a 3part sump with refugium I think...but might just do separate 10 gallon next to sump with that. what else do you have hooked up there on the right?
  10. ohiorn67

    Ordering New Tank..please show me your favorite PLUMBING!!

    I am going to be ordering a 180 but just getting used to the idea of the plumbing. I truly could use some advice and picture/diagrams and what you use to make your plumbing. We currently have a 90 with cannister filter and so this will also be our first sump. My idea is to have a divided up...
  11. ohiorn67

    My New Nano Keeps Hiding When I Come Close To My Tank

    I am not sure what size tank they have??? Mine is a 90 and I am going to be ordering a tank on saturday that will be at least a 180.yahoooooo, my baby will grow up in a bigger tank, right now she is fine at 4 1/2 inches....
  12. ohiorn67

    My New Nano Keeps Hiding When I Come Close To My Tank

    I have a naso.....she has been in my tank for about a month now. She can't come closer to me, when I am near my tank, she is right there to see me, give your naso a chance to realize you are the one that is feeding. My naso knows I am her food provider and is very very social. She follows me...
  13. ohiorn67

    Troublesome Nudi?

    Hey, that is DEFINITELY a zoo eating nudi.....check out my pic...I posted just like you about a month or so ago and it devoured quite a bit of one patch of my is my pic....get rid of it and flush it....ewwwwww bad stuff...I had just 2 of them, never saw anymore....but they can...
  14. ohiorn67

    My Plate Coral Is Blowing Up!! Why?????

    I really can't move it much, I don't have alot of bottom space in this I hope he adjusts until I get my bigger tank.
  15. ohiorn67

    My Plate Coral Is Blowing Up!! Why?????

    Hi, got this plate coral last week....doing great in the tank, spot fed it 2 days ago some krill....this morning he is like a bubble...big and huge and blown up!! Is this normal, what the heck is he doing????? I have put some pics here....different angles as best I could so you can
  16. ohiorn67

    Is This Ich In The Pic????

    I tend ot disagree, is a bit of stress yes so please address that...but I researched and researched tangs before ever purchasing my naso.....and they are one of the hardiest LAST tangs to get ich .....the powder blue's and other blue's and such have very thin skin that it is easy...
  17. ohiorn67

    200 gallon oceanic reef ready tanks, also one 460 gallon tank in ohio

    please send dimensions and pics to thank you....
  18. ohiorn67

    FS: ASM G2 skimmer

    what pump is included and how old is the unit.
  19. ohiorn67

    My new oscellaris clown died!!

    I have a 90 gallon tank.....doing great.....I have 5 powerheads...2 900's that lean up to break surface and 2 that point from corners to front center and one back center that rotates. One time after a water change...we forgot to point the powerheads up for surface...keeping in mind I have a...
  20. ohiorn67

    Is This Ich In The Pic????

    HI again...yes, my tank is 4 months old as well. Nice pics. I think part of the problem (chime in if others agree with me) is that many times naso tangs that are under about 4 inches are not as hardy so am truly hoping that your tang will be an exception. Turning blue I am sure what you mean...