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  1. balistidae

    What Causes Ich???

    hey everyone i am just wondering what causes this nasty infection in the first place thanks
  2. balistidae

    Just got a 29 gal.

    i hate to tell ya but a 29gallon is not a good tank to start an agressive in
  3. balistidae

    Tigger people: can I add this fish?

    i dont think there would have been any way i could have resisted a queen for that price!! why dont you want a clown trigger?
  4. balistidae

    Tigger people: can I add this fish?

    how much was that bad boy going for??
  5. balistidae

    is my porky ok??

    yeah he is eating like a little porker...thanks guys
  6. balistidae

    is my porky ok??

    hey everyone i just got a porky and he likes to lay on the bottom or hang out in the corner looking at himself in the glass. I am just wondering if this is normal behavior for them seeing how this is my first one...he is in there with 2 4 stripe damsels....thanks
  7. balistidae

    help please!!

    it was a white film....the other one just died of it too. My girlfriend thinks its because of all the inscence that we burn in the room, could she be on to something?? thanks
  8. balistidae

    Green Eel Escape

    how big is the eel
  9. balistidae

    help please!!

    i forgot to mention about the fish..the last percula turned almost completely white with a few hours then died and now this percula is hangin out along the bottom just kind of treading water. He seems to be breathing a little heavy but he isnt gasping..thanks
  10. balistidae

    help please!!

    alright here we go... salinity...1.023 ph....8.3 amm...0 trites...0 trates...10ppm or less temp....78-80 I use a prizm deluxe with carbon which i replace every 14 days. 40 pounds of live rock and 3 rio power heads. The tank is hardly growing any algae on the glass. I just find it odd the...
  11. balistidae

    help please!!

    hey everyone here is the deal.. My tank has been running succesfully for over a year as a FOWLR. Recently though my fish have been dying off. I had a small powder blue who recently died. Now a percula has died and the other looks as though he has the same plan. I also keep a small flame...
  12. balistidae


    hey everyone..we have had a pearlscale butterfly in a tank for a while and we decided to add a blue the butterfly looks like it is gonna die??!! Could this have been caused by the tang?? thanks
  13. balistidae

    OT a very sad day

    sorry about my reply that was definately a big mistake..also sorry to hear about your dog, i hope that the doctor is wrong!!
  14. balistidae

    OT a very sad day

    hey everyone..we have had a pearlscale butterfly in a tank for a while and we decided to add a blue the butterfly looks like it is gonna die??!! Could this have been caused by the tang?? thanks
  15. balistidae

    my poor powder blue

    i got a powder blue about 2 weeks ago and he seemed to thrive then he came down with something that looked like ich but i dont think it was?? it was white bumps but none on his fins. but anyways this morning at 7am he seemed to be feeling it bad so i was gonna go to the lfs for some medicine...
  16. balistidae

    Has your pufferfish puffed up?

    i had a dogface who puffedd every time he was netted
  17. balistidae

    anenome crab

    hey everyone..i have an anenome crab who i think molted..the reason i am unsure is because he is missing one of his big claws and i found my sally lightfoot eating himself a nice crab leg and picking on the it possbible the sally is picking at him??? thanks
  18. balistidae

    dead anenome?

    wicked!! i checked him out today and he is looking i think better than ever!! Also how much would should a condylactis be fed...he is like the size of my head
  19. balistidae

    Horrible News

    thats why you just sneak the tank in at night like i did:cool:
  20. balistidae

    temperature issues

    its a pretty steady 80-82 i just didnt think the fish would rally like it that high