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  1. scottnlisa

    Starting my 12 day vacation.

    Originally Posted by reefraff Upgrade from T-8 to T-12? Last I looked there was a whole lot better selection of T-8 reef lamps unless you are going VHO T-12. If you really want an upgrade check out T5's. I am going VHO T-12. The reason I am is because when I bought my tank from this guy, he...
  2. scottnlisa

    Starting my 12 day vacation.

    Well, not exactly a vacation. I have school Monday and Tuesday. Then Wednesday, I go for deviated septum and rhinoplasty surgery which keeps me out of work for 10 days. Doctor said no work but nothing about no work on my fishtank. I am going to upgrade my lights from T-8 to T-12, add 75#...
  3. scottnlisa

    UFO Over China?

    Could be the aliens coming back to check on the human race since we are their experiment anyways.
  4. scottnlisa


    Originally Posted by 2Quills Don't know if anybody here is fans of this show or not but tonight is going to be the last episode with Captain Phil Harris alive. I guess he has passes on due to complications after the stroke that he had a couple of episodes ago. Kind of sucks, he was probably...
  5. scottnlisa


    Not to bad here. Dew point is a better accuracy on how humid it is not the humidity. Dew points have been relatively low.
  6. scottnlisa

    Best Protein Skimmer for under $200 USD? Input is greatly appreciated!

    I bought the Octopus BH-300F for $200 and I love it. It is a HOB and skims a ton. No problems yet. Stay away from the Seaclones. I posted a question back in Feb. about buying a protein skimmer for $200 and alot of people directed me towards octopus brands
  7. scottnlisa

    What else should I feed my fish or what vitamins should I use?

    I have a 125g FOWLR. My stock is Blue Hippo Tang, Yellow Tang, 6 Line Wrasse, Sunrise Dottyback, 2 Clownfish, Royal Gamma Basslet, 4 Blue Green Chromis's and a Lawnmower Blenny plus my CUC. I feed my fish Mysis Shrimp, Formula 2 cubes, Algea Sheets. What else can I feed my fish, what vitamins...
  8. scottnlisa

    Water Changes and Food

    I have a 125g and I change 30 gallons every month.
  9. scottnlisa

    Lindsay Lohan gets 90 days in jail

    And then 90 days in-trreatment. I think this might save her. It is good to see a judge pass to her a fair sentance.
  10. scottnlisa

    Please check out CNN.COM reguarding counter for oil leaked in gulf to date

    Originally Posted by reefraff Courage? Interesting to be sure but hardly courageous. There is a website dedicated solely to the leak, I believe it is. I'll have to check it out. Thanks
  11. scottnlisa

    Please check out CNN.COM reguarding counter for oil leaked in gulf to date

    Originally Posted by meowzer WOW...and how it is constantly going up :( I know. That opened my eyes even more. Very sad. I am glad some website had the courage to post something like that.
  12. scottnlisa

    Could've Been BAD

    Originally Posted by meowzer OK..this is something that happened due to MY neglect...and LUCKILY it ended up okay I run a cascade 700 with a flow bar on my 55g...I had noticed recently that the flow bar was not flowing across the water as usual.....I just figured it was cause the suction cups...
  13. scottnlisa

    Please check out CNN.COM reguarding counter for oil leaked in gulf to date

    About 1/2 way down in the middle of the page is a counter by CNN.COM. I know this is an estimation but HOW it really made me think when I saw the numbers in front of me. Thought I would post incase anybody is interested.
  14. scottnlisa

    Need help with what fish to add!

    How about a coral beauty? They are very colorful and peaceful.
  15. scottnlisa

    I need to vent

    Originally Posted by Flower I’m so angry and I need to vent…. . My daughter is in the hospital, I have three of her children staying with me for the duration. I have a 13 year old grandchild named Alyssa. Her mother allows her to drink Venom, an energy drink. Alyssa couldn’t sleep last night...
  16. scottnlisa

    General McChrystal relieved from command...

    Originally Posted by reefraff LOL! Another winner. Look at Iraq. They have a great shot at a whole lot better way of life than they had under Saddam. Obama know owns Afghanistan, hows that going for ya? Republicans LIEd getting us involved in Iraq. Where are the WMD's big bad Bush said were...
  17. scottnlisa

    General McChrystal relieved from command...

    Originally Posted by reefraff I don't have any issues with the guy getting canned but if he has serious complaints about rules of engagement or something I hope he has guts enough to go public and do it the right way rather than let an agenda driven reporter pick and chose how he wants to frame...
  18. scottnlisa

    General McChrystal relieved from command...

    Originally Posted by reefraff I don't have any issues with the guy getting canned but if he has serious complaints about rules of engagement or something I hope he has guts enough to go public and do it the right way rather than let an agenda driven reporter pick and chose how he wants to frame...
  19. scottnlisa

    Need help picking out CUC

    1 last question. I am giong to be adding another 75# of base rock into my tank. Should I wait to add my CUC till I get the rock in my tank?
  20. scottnlisa

    General McChrystal relieved from command...

    Originally Posted by Beth This is a fine example of our First Amendment rights. Yes, you can voice your opinion, even a general. Everyone has that right. However, there can, and frequently are, some consequences. In this case, the general had to resign his current post. In other places, one...