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  1. scottnlisa

    peek a boo

    Mine does the samething.
  2. scottnlisa

    compatibility question

    I have a six line wrasse and a royal gamma and haven't had any problems. Have you tried rearranging your decor? I rearrange my LR everytime I introduce a new fish in my tank. My 6-line wrasse has never went after any of my fish. I have blue tang, yellow, tang, 2 clowns, 5 blue-green chromis's...
  3. scottnlisa

    What is this?

    okay, I didn't use a turkey baster but I did try to rub it off with my finger and no luck. It is still on the rock.
  4. scottnlisa

    What is this?

    Originally Posted by T316 Looking at that pic, that is not hard. Take a turkey baster and blast at it straight on. Does any of it blow off? I'll try again tomorrow. To tired tonight. Thanks and please check tomorrow for results.
  5. scottnlisa

    What is this?

    Originally Posted by meowzer If it is hard, it is not cyano Okay any clues then?
  6. scottnlisa

    What is this?

    Originally Posted by meowzer Well one sure way to tell...will it blow off the rock with a turkey baster...or is it hardened to it???? Hardened. Is cyno bad?
  7. scottnlisa

    What is this?

    Originally Posted by 2Quills Coraline algae perhaps? Looks like I see some purple in the picture as well. If so then it's a good thing. My goal is to get my rocks covered with the stuff. What kind of lighting are you using? T-8 36" 2 Anatics and 2 10000K
  8. scottnlisa

    Blue Reef Chromis Pics

    Originally Posted by Al&Burke I have the green/blue chromis, I wish my LFS had these. I also have a group of three, one of them is bigger than the other two and is a bit of a bully with the others. He leaves the other fish alone. I like the dark tops on yours, cool Ditto
  9. scottnlisa

    What is this?

    I noticed this today. I check my water and it is within parameters. No other live rock has this on it. It is a reddish, orange stuff. Sorry for the bad pic.
  10. scottnlisa


    That was so amazing.
  11. scottnlisa

    Forget the Arizona Immigration Law, now you can't even show your patriotism

    You know this is to funny. Everybody wants to complain about "Black history month", hispanic history month, and so on and so on. You know what, THIS IS NOT OUR LAND. Everybody but the Indians should get the &^%$ out and go back to your home land. You think Americans should be the main...
  12. scottnlisa

    Lady Ga Ga

    Originally Posted by Cranberry She can instead sing. I like a lot of music. There's no such thing as one is music and one is's only about how it makes us feel.... and we all dance to a different drummer. It only needs to be considered music by the person who's ipod it is on. I agree...
  13. scottnlisa

    Lady Ga Ga

    Originally Posted by stdreb27 lady gaga is my poster child example of everything wrong with wracket that is made in the name of music. Just out of curiousity what kind of music do you like?
  14. scottnlisa

    Lady Ga Ga

    Originally Posted by meowzer LOL...I wasn't looking....I really do not remember how I got onto the amputee news stuff..... I'm the freakishness is too much for kinda takes away from anything else Don't be sorry. I just really hate when websites post things like...
  15. scottnlisa

    are all big companies crooks?

    Originally Posted by deejeff442 yea trick because they know you will forget.same thing happend last yea i bought the nfl ticket and the following year they just put it on again. just scumbag big business. i called and bitched actualy told them what a bunch of scam artists they are.they did take...
  16. scottnlisa

    Lady Ga Ga

    Lady Ga Ga is a ^%& good artist. She has so much talent. Also, is one of the best websites if your looking for entertainment news.
  17. scottnlisa

    are all big companies crooks?

    IMO No, all companies are not crooks. If your not happy with a company, then cancel your service and be done with it. Most of the problems if companies IMO are because of computers and technology. Computers are only as smart as the person operating it or programming them. We as a society rely...
  18. scottnlisa

    I got green algae. Is this good?

    Originally Posted by meowzer are definitely done cycling by now.... and forgive me...but I can not remember what is in your tank....can you list the tank inhabitants? and what you feed? okay, I have a 125 gallon. I have 2 clownfish, yellow tang, blue hippo tang, 4 blue green...
  19. scottnlisa

    I got green algae. Is this good?

    I have had my tank up and running since Dec. 09. I usually have brown diatoms. I noticed today that I have some green hair algae growing? Is this good or normal? I mean does this mean my tank is getting close to being done cycling.
  20. scottnlisa


    I bought a 125 that wasn't drilled so I went with a canister filter. It is easy to take care of and my wife knows how to do it also.