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  1. tang_ina

    Super Ich??

    Hey fellas, I feel like im dealing with super ichs in my cupramine treated 55 gallon qt tank. The fish has been in the qt for 4 weeks and 3 days and im still seeing plenty of whites spots on my fishes. Sometimes the fish clears up but only to find out a few days later more white spots shows up...
  2. tang_ina

    Ich problem in QT

    Originally Posted by sepulatian Copper takes longer than two weeks. It does not effect the ich that is already on the fish. So are you saying that i should expose the fish in copper for more than 2 weeks? Because the bottle said to do it for 2 weeks only.
  3. tang_ina

    Ich problem in QT

    Hello It appears that the ich is spreading and getting worse in my copper dosed qt tank. I dont know if this is normal but there are now more white spots on the hippo tang, and yellow tang. My flame angel is starting to show more spots too in the tail area. I used Cupramine and followed the...
  4. tang_ina

    Help!!! Royal Gramma

    yea mine did the same thing. It layed on its side for almost a week I thought he was dying but hes doing fine now and eats like a beast
  5. tang_ina

    Lionfish wounded?

    Thanks for the input guys. Yea i have used and put all my fishes in qt tank before putting them into the main tank. Im currently in search for a 125 tank around my area right now hopefully i can find one asap
  6. tang_ina

    Lionfish wounded?

    Ive had them since september and added the lionfish the last week of november. Eveything was going fine until now. When i got back home last nite i found my lionfish dead I was very upset because he was my favorite one..
  7. tang_ina

    Lionfish wounded?

    Hi guys. I woke up this morning and found what i believe is a wound on the right side my lionfish. His stripes also looks a little reddish than normal. He didnt want to eat this morning and he usually grabs the silversides that i feed him w/o any problem. 1 yellow tang, 2 yt damsel and 1 clown...
  8. tang_ina

    4 Sale in NJ--many items

    you got any pics of the overflow box and drilled 15g? I live about 20 mins from you i can come pick em up. thanks