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  1. armywife1314

    what the heck is this!?

    definetly will, a little scared though some monster might come out and eat my little nemo (tanks) but hey i might find something awesome!
  2. armywife1314

    what the heck is this!?

    so far we've found 2 a small one and the moster of a pretzel one. we got 60 pounds of LR (.50 per pound) awesome from a 5 year tank. could there be more in the tank that we just havent caught yet?
  3. armywife1314

    what the heck is this!?

    all i have in my tank is LR LS some coral, xenia, zoos, and mushrooms, a feather duster, hermits and a false perc. is it good to have them in with that stuff?
  4. armywife1314

    Obama Supporters Only Thread

    leaves next month.
  5. armywife1314

    what the heck is this!?

    omg, its so long that it wraps all inside this rock. its pinkish white with little things sticking off both sides, like little feet. what is it?
  6. armywife1314

    Obama Supporters Only Thread

    Originally Posted by 1journeyman Hehe, I would argue that Island is Iraq. Terrorists wouldn't attack our military on an Island. They will ,however, continue to try to prevent Democracy in the heart of the ME. I totally agree with treating the soldiers better. Many of us would willingly pay...
  7. armywife1314

    Obama Supporters Only Thread

    Originally Posted by 1journeyman Well, honestly I say we stay as long as it takes. Is it a strain on our military? Yes. Is it as big of a strain on our military, however, than if we had 200,000 troops deployed in Afghanistan hiking the hills and mountains on foot looking for Al Qaeda? From a...
  8. armywife1314

    Obama Supporters Only Thread

    Originally Posted by 1journeyman We are hiring them. A lot of them in fact. Of course, this comes with difficulties too. Construction, for instance, had different standards under Saddam than it has under us. We hire them, they do a job, then we re-do the job. ya i know. for instance my...
  9. armywife1314

    Obama Supporters Only Thread

    Originally Posted by socal57che Someone got an avatar. Hey, navy gurl. Did you happen to visit this link. I think you'd like it. We may not agree on being at war with Iraq, but I wanted to say thank you for your and your husbands service to...
  10. armywife1314

    what is this?! should i leave it or take it out?

    i think ill stick to my hermies
  11. armywife1314

    what is this?! should i leave it or take it out?

    im not sure if i should leave it in. my tank hasnt finished cycling for me to get fish yet. only LR LS and hermits.
  12. armywife1314

    Obama Supporters Only Thread

    Originally Posted by Fats71 Odd your name says armywife their are no army bases they are POSTS and anyone in the army knows that they dislike it being Called a base... Your making me think your not whom you say you are. Whats your husbands m o s? and who is he with presently ? We have no ARMY...
  13. armywife1314

    what is this?! should i leave it or take it out?

    im not sure, it has the body of a worm. tapers at both ends and seems to have hairlike tenticles on it.
  14. armywife1314

    what is this?! should i leave it or take it out?

    just got some LR from a friend with a well established tank. and some hermit crabs. dont know what this is or if i should leave it in or take it out?
  15. armywife1314

    live rock

    got more rock, i need 25 pounds to 76544 how do you want to be paid.
  16. armywife1314

    Anyone like optical illusions?

    i almost dropped my computer out of my lap. good one though.
  17. armywife1314

    fish list?

    i want anenomes, corals, etc. i want it to look "real" how about tangs? like a dory and yellow
  18. armywife1314

    fish list?

    i have a bta that is being babysat by a friend and im trying to get a list of future fish so i get what i want without putting them into a death match. so...i have a 72 gal bowfront just with LR and LS and a crab hiding out somewhere. will these get along? longnose butterfly false perc clown...
  19. armywife1314

    yellow sabae

    im confused on the wording that youve never heard of dyed nems ever making it. so do they make it or not? Originally Posted by blownz281 Yellow is dyed. pure white like paper is bleached. if you buy the yellow one i have never heard of dyed nems ever making it. they are not very easy to care...
  20. armywife1314

    yellow sabae

    can anyone tell me any info on these guys. how hard it is to keep them. what type of conditions they need other than of course the basics. what type of lighting. and what fish are good with them. also kinda weird question ive heard that yellow sabaes are almost 99.9% dyed is that true and what...