Search results

  1. drea

    Red shrooms and some other stuff FS and FT

    califishdude-for now yes, i only have red shrooms, xenia, the fuzzies are pending... i do have a small rock with 5-6 dragon eye zoaz too... would love to see pix of what you are willing to trade, please email me
  2. drea

    shipping corals this time of yr? do we need cool packs?

    thanx teen, everything is doing amazing! your stuff is great! all the stuff i gave you ok? I'm trying to get some different corals so we can do some more trading... i just shipped a nice piece of coral (red shrooms on a rock) to stephanie, but no cool pack, they better make it, its a really...
  3. drea

    shipping corals this time of yr? do we need cool packs?

    not sure if i am allowed to even post this question.. lol thanx
  4. drea

    6 Pack of Florida Rics For Sale

    omg, those are gorgeous! pm me for any trades you may be interested in, or even if you would like to sell some individual polyps..
  5. drea

    Corals For Sale

    any possible trades of green shrooms? maybe even one "nice" sized one? and i would send you the same but in red? let me know, i have a thread up... that way it would cost us like 7$ if that just to priority ship...
  6. drea

    Red shrooms and some other stuff FS and FT

    ric maniac- I can take some pix tomorrow of the individual rocks that I do have available. zoo28- I think the xenia would probably die, lol dksart- hairys may already be gone, i will let you know asap, i only have four of them.. they are 8 each and i will get better pix tomorrow.. shipping from...
  7. drea

    Red shrooms and some other stuff FS and FT

    Originally Posted by ric maniac so, how much would it cost me for the rock twards the bottom left in pic #4? the pic w/ the purple tang in it? the rock that is directly under the tang is not for sale.. i love that rock it has about 25 shrooms on it and 3 of them are 4 inches or bigger... i...
  8. drea

    Red shrooms and some other stuff FS and FT

    some more, note* no photoshop used, pumps were all on, water was in motion, only edit is pics were reduced in size
  9. drea

    Red shrooms and some other stuff FS and FT

    I have a lot of Red shrooms for sale and trade...... everything in the tank is under 39 x 4 nova lighting..... shrooms will thrive with stock week bulbs as well... Under stronger lighting they will need time to adjust. The quality on these are excellent, I have given these to several members on...
  10. drea

    looking to get some new stuff * trade only*

    i have xenia, a lot of nice red shrooms to trade, would love to see some pix, i'll have pix of my stuff on a thread tonite!
  11. drea

    Sun coral..

    well, if you would be interested in shipping i have some great redmushrooms/xenia/fuzzy mushrooms
  12. drea

    corals for sale and for free

    i would love at least one nice neon green shroom, pleasse email me!
  13. drea

    colt coral,pumping xenia

    any trades for some purple shrooms? i have red shrooms?
  14. drea

    looking to trade: Frogspawn Huge 15 plus heads

    need any red shroooms? let me know, i have pix
  15. drea

    Xenia for trade, long island

    Originally Posted by DragonZim Hey Andre I know I still owe you something for those shrooms you gave me a few months ago. Would you be interested in some Kenya Tree? I have a few small frags I could give you. I'd love to get my hands on some of those dragon eye zoos too if you've got any...
  16. drea

    any one in NY

    email me guys, i have xenia and red shrooms
  17. drea

    Looking to trade my blue for spotted shrooms

    Originally Posted by Tiberius I have a bunch of red stuff in my tank already. I got a nice clump of Xenia (hand delivered) from Khoi. I was always told that Xenia doesn't ship well. Have you shipped it to others with no problems? someone on this site shipped to me nxt day, they were perfect!
  18. drea

    frogspawn frag for trade

    here is my email, i have pics i think the xenia is bluish/white
  19. drea

    frogspawn frag for trade

    i have xenia and red shrooms if interested, i'm on long island
  20. drea

    Xenia for trade, long island

    looks amazing, i will post some pics tonight... looking for whatver i don't have i don't need red shrooms dragon eye zoos xenia i would love other color shrooms, zoos and so forth..... these pics suck!!!!!!!!!! from like a month ago, the xenia is amazing, trust me, i have like 5 of these...