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  1. djcanis

    Still Too High

    Aquarium Pharmaceuticals Saltwater Master Kit?
  2. djcanis

    Can someone tell me what this is?

    There definatly isopods, I have CC instead of sand, wish I had known when I started the tank. Here are a cople of other pics I had another post earlier concerning my tank levels, any suggestions besides keep on doing what I'm doing?
  3. djcanis

    Can someone tell me what this is?

    yes, thats a better pic, I only have a camera phone, do some not have the "hairs" on th eend, but just a hole?
  4. djcanis

    Can someone tell me what this is?

    I'v also seen bristle worms and a little white bug looking critter, should I be concerned with these?
  5. djcanis

    Can someone tell me what this is?

    I have a couple of diffeent one's growing on my LR, any ideas?
  6. djcanis

    Still Too High

    Three weeks and my ammonia level hasn't dropped, it's still holding around .5 with 0 nitrite, 20 nitrate, sg of 1.026 and a Ph of 8.2 it's a 30 gallon with 15lbs of LR, 3 fish already in the tank, I've been using amino lock and TLC but I want to get the tank off chemicals. I'm also doing...
  7. djcanis

    sick fish?

    and con someone explain to me this whole bioball and sump thing, i'm lost?
  8. djcanis

    sick fish?

    have a blue damsel, it's color had been real dark for a couple of days after I moved my tank and it stayed in the top corner of the tank. It's color has come back but it stll wont leave teh color, now that it looks healthy again, some of the other fish hav egone after it. I've had the fish a...
  9. djcanis

    Light Schedule

    What do you all suggest for a proper light shedule
  10. djcanis

    Creatures in my tank

    I was cleaning my tank and bumped a piece of LR, two critters came scurrying out, what are they. The first was a little white bug about a 1/8 inch long that dug into my coral, the other was a inch long redis like worm that crawled across the bottom. Any ideas?
  11. djcanis


    no, I want to keep them alive, i've been trying but they dont get much bigger than half an inch b4 they disappear
  12. djcanis


    is there anything I need to do to take care of them or do they just go on there own
  13. djcanis


    they dont move, it's new one's that pop up and the old ones are gone, I'm asuming they break off or are my fish eating them
  14. djcanis


    there too small to get a pic with my camera phone
  15. djcanis


    there are two seperate things, the tubes which are about a 1/4 inch long with what looks like hairs comming off the end, the other is a ball like structure, all wite and furry like the burrs in the woods.
  16. djcanis


    the tube and the flower are different shades of white, they were mostly growing around the filter tube but have now moved. None seem to last though, the grow to about a half inch and then disappear.
  17. djcanis


    one lasr question, there is somthing growing on my rocks, 1 looks like a white tube type thing almost like a flower, the other is a white ball like the burrs you find on your pants after a hike in the woods. Any idea what these might be?
  18. djcanis


    Upstate New York, it averages about 9$ a lbs cured, i have a seebaa clown, 4 stripe damsel, blue damsel and a bi-color angel. And I think the other post is done. Sorry. thanks for the help
  19. djcanis

    Need some help again

    Thanks so much for the help, and my fish thank you 2
  20. djcanis


    Thanks, now I get it, I'm not using live sand, I should be though, I got crushed coral, and only 10 lbs of rock in a 30 gallon tank, I'm working on building it up, but its so expensive here and I dont have the equipment yet to cure it myself. Should i make the switch to live sand or can I...