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  1. rldavisou


    They're awesome. I haven't tried one personally, but I intend to get one very soon. I've seen several tanks set up using them and they look great. The beauty of the design is in the low velocity, high volume output over a wide area. Instead of a narrow stream, they put out a wider, gentler...
  2. rldavisou

    "Expert Only" Coral, please help

    Wow, so those guys really suck down the food. Is that the key to success with them? These guys are really tiny, I mean the size of a pencil eraser at the most. If they need that much food now, how much will I have to feed them when they reach maturity?
  3. rldavisou

    "Expert Only" Coral, please help

  4. rldavisou

    "Expert Only" Coral, please help

    So, I bought a rock with some tiny Carnation Corals on it, and I didn't know much about those corals when I bought it. I've been doing research on them the last few days, and they seem pretty hard to keep. One website went so far as to label them "Expert Only." Has anyone had success with...
  5. rldavisou

    Grow lights on aquarium?

  6. rldavisou

    Grow lights on aquarium?

    Ok, so I was looking at lights on an auction site, and I noticed that MH lights described as "grow lights" (and we all know what they're really intended to grow) were way cheaper than any lights I've seen described as aquarium lighting. I saw a 250 watt MH for less than $100. Has anyone tried...
  7. rldavisou

    Which Light?

    I just bought a 32 gal long tank, and I want to get a fixture with the most light possible without having to add a chiller. What kind of fixture should I be shopping for? I want to keep sps and clams, with the clams on the sand bed. The tank is 16 inches deep. Thanks for any advice!
  8. rldavisou

    electricity will get shut off

    It shouldn't be a problem, but for peace of mind you can pick up a battery operated air pump for cheap at any LFS. My power strip crapped out on me once and I went without power for like 6 hours. It should be fine.
  9. rldavisou

    T5 questions

    But if I didn't want to do sps, I could probably do pretty much anything else? I probably won't do a clam, since I don't like the way they look unless I can put them on the sand bottom, and it sounds like that might not be enough light. I've got 2 anemones in there now, a bubble tip and some...
  10. rldavisou

    T5 questions

    I've got pc's on my 20 gallon right now, and I'm going to make the switch to something more advanced. I thought I wanted MH, but I looked at some pics of MH compared to T5 and I liked the way the T5's looked a lot more than MH. I haven't really done any research into T5 yet tho, so here are my...
  11. rldavisou

    Parasite? ID please

    yup, that's what it is, thanks a bunch! but if I don't want that many of them, how do i get rid of some of them?
  12. rldavisou

    is this normal for a emerald crab

    I had one that lost an arm in a fight against another emerald while in the bag on the way home from the lfs, and he grew it back after a while. It took a long time, if I remember correct, it was a month or more.
  13. rldavisou

    Parasite? ID please

    Need an ID for this, and a recommendation on how to deal with it, if possible. I've tried to take a pic of it, but the "arms" are so thin they don't appear in the picture. It's a bunch of very thin (less than 1/4 of a millimeter), long (several inches), hair-algae-like fibers that radiate from...