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  1. jarre

    setting up my tank

    hmmm, did you hear that from someone while they where drinking?? :eek:
  2. jarre

    DIY Metal Halides

    I just picked up a new Dual 400W Mh DIY with reflector off ---- for $227.50 - I've found ---- to be a good source of equipment if you're patient.
  3. jarre

    new tank

    Fantastic job!! I really like the canopy idea. I've do a 7' drop ceiling in my basement which doesn't allow me to open my canopy fully. Your idea is close to what I was thinking of building and I think I like your implemention better!! Enjoy!
  4. jarre

    What's Dis??

    Well Rye, seems you've had an adverturous day. From what sis has posted whatever you do don't flush it if you're home plumbing is PVC!! No telling how much that would cost ya!! :p
  5. jarre

    Anyone ever get attacked by their fish?

    ROTF - Musipilot :) Fats, my domino, bites me everytime I reach in the tank. Guess he has marked his territory and I'm not allowed in. Since I'm allergic to bees and have to be careful of my heart, I don't keep anything that could prevent me from enjoying the reef!! That and enjoying my...
  6. jarre

    I've just about had it with my cleaner shrimp!!!

    Hi, my name is cleaner shrimp and I'm a recoverying do nothing! LOL
  7. jarre

    need opinions for DIY auto-top off

    I'm interested in hearing about the top-off too Bang! And I too am an ---- nut. For the most part almost all of my equipment has been purchased there and I've had really good luck with all of the people!
  8. jarre

    Check This Out!!!!

    That's one mighty fine looking system!! (I found my microscope!! :D) How long have you had it going?
  9. jarre

    black mollies

    Now Rye I wouldn't be to tough on the guy. I've known many people to use guppies or gold fish as feeders in FS. Personally I couldn't do it, but then again I'm a softy!! :)
  10. jarre

    good equipment?

    Your welcome fella's. Just don't take the last CS12-1. Since I've got two new tanks figure I'll got get another one of the CS12-1. BTW, I've actually received the one I've purchased and man is the footprint on that thing big. 19" x 19" just didn't seem so large in my mind!!! :D
  11. jarre

    good equipment?

    BTW, He has serveral different sizes if you don't want one as large as the CS12-1.
  12. jarre

    good equipment?

    IMO Euro-Reef is a really good skimmer if not the best. (I'm ducking for making that comment) I've just purchased a blemished CS12-1 from ---- for $250 less than retail. The guy has several more available on ---- now. Hope that helps.
  13. jarre

    Opinions on Plenum's

    I'll agree with the slow part. It's really easy to want to hurry the process and have a really great looking system NOW. Been there and done that. I'm doing much more planning with these two new tanks and will take much more time before introducing livestock. I've had nothing but difficulties...
  14. jarre

    My new WEBSITE (personal)

    Very nice job Slothy, looks Great!!
  15. jarre

    Opinions on Plenum's

    Thank you both for the enlighting discussion. I've learned quite a bit!!
  16. jarre

    Opinions on Plenum's

    Thank you surfnturf and Bang Guy!! I have been leaning toward the DSB because if I error in setting up the Plenum disaster seems to be the conclusion. Since I've only had 5 months experience with salt safety may be the most prudent course of action. Wanted to mention I read posts from both of...
  17. jarre

    Opinions on Plenum's

    I've read Bob Geomans Live Sand Secrets and other booklets of his and have read success stories on the filteration methond. From what I see, most people are using wet/dry and fuges. Looking for opinions on having the Plenum in fuge and using a sump rather without a wet/dry?
  18. jarre

    How many fish?

    broomer5 - I'll agree with you on the tank size, even if it means waiting. I've been in the hobby for 5 months with a 45 gal. Was given the opportunity to pick up a 180 and a 250 for less than the 170 I was planning on purchasing. Of course, now I'm planning to joint both of the tank with a...
  19. jarre

    How many fish?

    sistrMary - I'll agree with you about the domino (don't know about the others) Fat's my domino is "very territorial (aka mean as hell.)" Loves to bite me every time I reach in the tank. He's growing fast to, pretty soon I'll need protection....;)
  20. jarre

    Time for a 12-pack.....

    J21, had a friend's daughter ask him the other day. Daddy - is why does your computer smoke green??? :o Needless to day - it was a little fired up!! :)