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  1. sharkguy8


    What are SPS tanks, ect.?
  2. sharkguy8


    Hi, I have a 55g FW setup that I would like to make into a SW setup w/ some corals in a couple of months. Can I do this? If so, what would I need,ex., type of lights, filteration, water movement, ect.? Thanks
  3. sharkguy8

    Hait Condi

    What is wrong with my Haiti Condi, it is half inflated. It is also showing something in them middle. Help
  4. sharkguy8

    Live Rock

    Do you just stack up your LR or do you put something else to keep it in place?
  5. sharkguy8


    about 2-3 days, but what happens if your gone for a week or so?
  6. sharkguy8


    What do you do when your on vacation? About feeding.
  7. sharkguy8

    Haiti Condi

    ok thanx
  8. sharkguy8

    Haiti Condi

    was it green?
  9. sharkguy8

    Haiti Condi

    How do I tell if my Haiti Condi is dead?
  10. sharkguy8

    Lights for 10g setup

    15watts but i just wanna keep anemones or different condis'. Can I put anything else? Oh ya and for my LR. I have 5lbs, gonna get more, I think.
  11. sharkguy8

    Anemone Post

    thank you very much
  12. sharkguy8


    i found out the name its Haiti Condi, the store i bought it from said to feed it 3 times a week
  13. sharkguy8

    Lights for 10g setup

    how about 50/50 corallife w/ external reflector
  14. sharkguy8

    Anemone Post

    Can someone help me find my Anemone post that I put like 2-5 days ago?
  15. sharkguy8

    Lights for 10g setup

    Is 20,000k coral life flourecent bulb good for some corals in a 10g tank
  16. sharkguy8


    I'll post pics of them soon for you can see.
  17. sharkguy8


    Sorry but I forgot the name. All I know is that I have 2 of them. One is purple with purple tips and the other is white with purple tips. They cost me $7.99 ea.
  18. sharkguy8


    How many times do you have to feed your anemones?