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  1. mach03infront

    Water Softeners

    you may need to regenerate your water i do it every 2 weeks or so...
  2. mach03infront

    75 gal Reef Tank for sale - Vero Beach, Florida

    let me know if you will break down the tank i might be interested in somethings if you do! oh by the way you have a beautiful tank ... sorry that you can't take it with you to cali
  3. mach03infront

    lets see those LTA and BTA

    nice rose bta viper !!!
  4. mach03infront

    sunpod 16" 70 watt mh

    thanks i didn't think of that!!
  5. mach03infront

    sunpod 16" 70 watt mh

    okies thanks !! that's what I thought what I wanted to be completely positive!
  6. mach03infront

    sunpod 16" 70 watt mh

    bumpie bump
  7. mach03infront

    sunpod 16" 70 watt mh

    just bought a sunpod 16" 70 watt mh ... for my 12 gal nano in the day time you have the mh light on and the white led?? or just the mh or at night you have the blue and white led ???? i'm just a little confusion of the white led daytime or nighttime or both? sorry about the dumb question lol
  8. mach03infront

    Question? Coral show piece

    Originally Posted by coraljunky Have you been to Coral Seas? yes but they don't have much to choose from lately...
  9. mach03infront

    Is my xenia a goner???

    Xenia smells terrible!! (thats what mine looked like by the way and it was dead)..... I had to many bad experiences with it, looks pretty neat but no way.. . i learned my lesson!
  10. mach03infront

    This Fish Is ?

    it's an Thornback cowfish, yours looks like a juv. they are in the box fish family Lactoria fornasini and far as i know there not reef safe
  11. mach03infront

    lets see those LTA and BTA

    bump i know you guys have em!
  12. mach03infront

    Question? Coral show piece

    west palm beach
  13. mach03infront

    125 update with photos

    nice tank you have there i like the way how you put shells in the tank gives it that extra touch are you going to keep it a fish only or a reef set up?
  14. mach03infront

    JBJ nano Cube Filtration...

    SCSInet THANK YOU SOOOOOOO MUCH ! i have been running around crazy not finding what will fit my needs !
  15. mach03infront

    few shots of my 44 corner(tall)

    Originally Posted by Shrimpi both the gorg and the goni came from crystal reef on northlake blvd. haha i KNEW it! i like there store they are really nice people. where esle is there any good stores around here looking for something different ya know!
  16. mach03infront

    Catch your Own?

    Originally Posted by ifirefight thanks for that link its was really helpful. do you dive ? i go snokeling a lot if you do let me know if there is any places to take a look at
  17. mach03infront

    Question? Coral show piece

    Originally Posted by coraljunky Big Al's isnt worth it. Cool stuff on display, but high prices!! Online vs. instore are not owned by the same company. Great place to see and play with products, but thats it. IMO ok then where is there anywhere around here that has something different far as...
  18. mach03infront

    My Clown's Host Anemone Tried To Eat Her!

    wow thats crazy !... i don't know what i would have done ! i give you props lol!
  19. mach03infront

    lets see those LTA and BTA

    my green bta and also my rose bta which is my personal favorite!