75 gal Reef Tank for sale - Vero Beach, Florida


New Member
I am moving to California and have to sell my reef setup.The tank is one year old, and located in Vero Beach, FL
Pre-drilled Perfecto 75 gal with factory overflow
2 x 250 metal halides w/ electronic ballasts (HelloLights)
AGA Pine Stand (oak color) and DIY hood
30 gallon glass sump
Octopus NW-150 needlewheel skimmer
Aquarium Systems "Natural Wave" powerhead timer
3 x Maxijet 1200 powerheads
Loaded with Fiji "Totoka" and Tonga live rock
Live sand
various acropora, pocillopora, various zooanthids, monipora, candy cane, hydnophora, toadstools, mushrooms, xenia, etc.
pair of ocellaris clownfish, spottail blenny, pygmy angel (c. argi)
skunk cleaner shrimp, red- and blue-legged hermits, astraea snails...
$1600+ value

Not able to parcel out. Available until August 4.
Please call my cell phone: (772) 538-1137 - Whit
Thanks for looking!

let me know if you will break down the tank i might be interested in somethings if you do!
oh by the way you have a beautiful tank ... sorry that you can't take it with you to cali