Search results

  1. salisbury a d


    What is in my tank is 20lbs of ls, 27lbs of lr, 2 percula clowns, 1 green cromis, 1 scooter dragonet, 1 jeweled rockskiper,a colony of stipped and hairy mushrooms, some kind of cup coral, 1 green lace gorgonian, a feather duster, 1 cleaner shrimp, and one Branch caulestrea. the branch caulestrea...
  2. salisbury a d


    I need a new skimmer. What is a good brand? I was thinking about a berlin but what which one. I have a 46 gallon tank that has 27lbs of lr and 20lbs of ls. I plan to do the Berlin method after I get more lr and ls. Adam
  3. salisbury a d


    Well I would have to have a silicate problem because my nitrates are at 0 and my phosphates are at .1. What is a silicate filter. Is it a unit by itself or is it a media you put in your filter? adam
  4. salisbury a d


    What are other ways to get rid of it. I have tried reading books for ways to get rid of it, leaving it alone, and vacuming. And I am tired of looking at it for a month and a half. Adam [ May 12, 2001: Message edited by: Salisbury A D ]
  5. salisbury a d

    HELP!!! One more question Please!

    A good wed site to go to about lighting is www.thereefweb.comlighting.htm. Adam
  6. salisbury a d

    Do fish get depressed?

    There is actually to much algae Ugly ( the fish) never really had a taste for it anyway. And during feeding time he/she is the one that usually gets all the food it is the fastest fish in the tank. The other fish are 2 percula clowns, 1 green cromis, and 1 scooter dragonet. Adam [ May 12, 2001...
  7. salisbury a d

    Do fish get depressed?

    I think my lawnmower blennie is depressed. He/she sits in a cave on the bottom of my lr and won't even come out for food. I have to gring the food to it. Adam :(
  8. salisbury a d


    I ordered this stuff and it came today and it is already working. I put in the first dose today and already the water is clearer and the red slime has almost completly gone away. It is reef safe too. Adam [ May 12, 2001: Message edited by: Salisbury A D ]
  9. salisbury a d

    Whatchman goby, reef safe?

    I saw a yellow watchman goby for sale and was wondering if it is reef safe. Will it harm corals or inverts, and what is their success rate in a tank? Adam [ May 12, 2001: Message edited by: Salisbury A D ]
  10. salisbury a d

    I'm losing one

    As we all argue over the situation my coral here is not getting much better. Besides getting a calcium test kit what should I do? Get meds? Quarintine in a bucket? "Let it die"? Or can you give corals fresh water dips? Earlier I posted there are a whitish knobs on it about the size of a . the ...
  11. salisbury a d

    I'm losing one

    I check everything you said exceprt for calcium. Adam
  12. salisbury a d

    I'm losing one

    The books I read stated that you need to test ph nitrate nitrite ammonia and alkalinity. These are the test I do weekly. And the way I am starting to take it is you people think I could care less about my tank. But I do care and I will do anything to help it. Some of you are giving me the same...
  13. salisbury a d

    Has this happened to anyone else?

    This happened to one of my cromises. It was a very healthy fish and one day while doing matnece on my tank I got frightened and was sucked up by the powerhead. He didn't make it eighter now the last surviving one schools by himself/herself. :( Adam
  14. salisbury a d

    Why do fish die?

    Is it tank raised or is it wild. There are two things that come to my mind right now one is it may have been caught with cienide (spelling).Two it has an uncurable disease that has been showing up with clowns. Sorry but I cannot remember the name. If you have other fish take the clonw out it may...
  15. salisbury a d

    I'm losing one

    How many books and web sites am I going to have to read. I am finishing my 4 book 5 magazine and who knows how many web sites I have been to. I did buy calcium two weeks ago after I read it in this book I have. THe lfs never told me how to care for it. The said moderate water, medium to intense...
  16. salisbury a d

    I'm losing one

    The alkalinity is at 2meq/L. Is this good/bad? What should It be at? Adam
  17. salisbury a d

    Tank cycling?

    There is no limit to live rock but if you want to add more do it now. If the lr was at the lfs for 2 weeks it is not cured it usually takes 6 weeks. CC isn't the best subsrate eigther. Adam
  18. salisbury a d

    I'm losing one

    Anyone? Adam
  19. salisbury a d

    I'm losing one

    I do not have a calcium test kit. I have a alkalinity test but I will post it later I am leaving soon for art class. Any way there are now whitish colored knobs or spots. Do corals get ich? What can I do I have no quarintine tank? I have heard about fresh dips for corals should I do this and...
  20. salisbury a d

    Mandarin Goby and Lawnmower Blenny

    I keep a scooter dragonet which is in the same falily of a manderine goby and a lawnmower blennie in a 46 gallon tank and they are fine no fighting. Adam