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  1. demosthenes


    Don't be so quick to assume that. In this hobby, patience is more important than money, equipment, etc, and by just assuming that the floor will hold that, seems a little impatient. Also, with such a huge investment, thousands of dollars, it would be bad for it all to go through the floor.
  2. demosthenes

    middle of water change need help fast

    Not NM, but I know how to tell between the two. Cyanobacteria is a more purple, and grows in a mat-like form, over everything, while hair algae grows in stalks almost.
  3. demosthenes

    My Leopard print serpent star is the s#$@!!

    Any pictures of it?
  4. demosthenes


    GL with what you do, and I just had to point this out. It seems that both replies are pointing to the fact that a 55 is too small. I think that KYOCEAN knows that. He is simply stating that he has a 55 already, but needs to know what size of a tank he will need for a stingray. I too agree that...
  5. demosthenes


    Okay, I got an email with "" in the subject line. I clicked on it, and got this message. Is there a way to stop this. I've gotten a coulple of these. If it happens any more, I'll have to remove my email information from my signature, which I don't want to do, as I've received...
  6. demosthenes


    I agree on the Bigger is Better, but not on the last statement by BAB. If you just get the basic equipment now, it may save you some money now, but cost lives of fish, corals, inverts, plus you will end up having to purchase the equipment later, only now, the whole tank will end up costing more...
  7. demosthenes

    WTB: Mantis Shrimp

    I'd love the fella. Do you know which species. I'll take anything I can get, but was just interested. Good luck with the 75, how's it coming?
  8. demosthenes

    Mantis shrimp killing everything?

    That statement is true, but to certain extents. There are perfectly harmless species in the same family as Sea Cucumbers and Sea Apples, but they have never occurred in the aquarium so far. Not sure of the name, I saw it on Discovery Channel as well.
  9. demosthenes

    WTB: Mantis Shrimp

    WTB: Any mantis shrimp of any size. Email me below.
  10. demosthenes

    Mantis shrimp killing everything?

    I know that one sure-fire way to get rid of a Mantis Shrimp is to use a Mantis Shrimp Trap. SWF has some for sale I believe, or you can go the DIY route. You might ask around or search in the DIY forum on ways to make one yourself. If you do have one, and you catch it, please don't kill it. Send...
  11. demosthenes

    Calcium tests

    I'm not really sure. Every test kit I've ever owned is gear towards the color-advantaged, while I'm am color-blind. So I always have to take my tests into the LFS and they test my water with my test kits for free. Not sure which is the best.
  12. demosthenes

    cleaner shrimp...

    Unless the Tang is HUGE and the CS is very, very small, I don't think that's what happened. The Tang may have killed it, but could in no way eat it. Have you not been able to find it? If so, then it may be rotting away behind a rock(hopefully not), or just hiding. Sometimes they don't show up...
  13. demosthenes

    cleaner shrimp...

    So far I've had a good experience with Cleaner Shrimp. I always make sure to use the Drip Method whenever I acclimate a new member of my tanks. Take a length of air tubing, and tie a know in the middle, and put one end in the tank water, and one in the specimen bag, and siphon some tank water...
  14. demosthenes

    Acanthurus nigracans

    I just recently came across this species, and want to know more about it. They are fascinating, and I plan to order one in the very distant future, but want to get to know as much as I can now. The LFS had it labeled as a GoldRim Tang. Thanks for any help.
  15. demosthenes

    Redox 03 Controller

    Jeff, a new LFS owner, just bought a LFS, and there are a few oddly priced items, but the strangest of all was a Redox 03 Controller from Red Sea. It was priced at $399, which seems outrageous. It was 4"x6"x3". Can anyone tell me what purpose one of these serves, and why it was so expensive. It...
  16. demosthenes

    Lots Of Deaths!

    I was thinking "Mantis Shrimp" the whole time I was reading this, then BattleCat said it. However, more needs to be known about what they looked like after their deaths, aka, gash in the head, no fins, etc. Try this site to see if it helps:Stomatopods
  17. demosthenes

    Wattage per gallon on reef

    I use to be a right-winger on W/g, but recently have seen that's not really the important part of the lighting. Sure you need at least 3 w/g for any type of lighting. However, factors like type of lighting, Kelvin, and CRI all affect what you need for lighting. I have a 20H that has 20 W/g, and...
  18. demosthenes

    Flame Scallop Questions!

    You COULDN'T have one if you didn't take the time to feed it. They are not photosynthetic organisms like the Maxima and other clams that they are often associated with. They require feeding, not sure how much or how often, but I know they need to be fed. Most are relatively cheap, but have very...
  19. demosthenes

    Will my tank end up in the basement?

    Very nice thinking JeffandNance. LOL