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  1. farmboy

    Is your Tank COMPLETE?

    Yeah, I like your Idea. GIve them a SW fish that is retail $10. THen they have to buy--you know all the stuff they have to buy!!!! :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: Hey TiZ, If ya need some extra room for some of those critters, I could keep them in MY tank. . . .
  2. farmboy

    Why hasn't this gotten any real coverage?

    That story doesn't advance the agenda--therfore little coverage. A child could see the "bias" in the T.V. - big media.
  3. farmboy

    Is your Tank COMPLETE?

    I think pet stores sell us coral knowing we will eventually need BIGGER tanks :help: and more COMPLICATED setups - maintenance / supplies. They are like PUSHERS!! WHy, they may as well give livestock away. :thinking: . . . . . . . . . We could only hope!!
  4. farmboy

    Is your Tank COMPLETE?

    Gosh that is a shame. . . . . . . .
  5. farmboy


    Hey Reeferman1, Do ya still want some purple/blue mushrooms? Email me, Man! Farmboy
  6. farmboy

    Saw My CBS Molt

    Very Cool! I only get to see the leftovers in the bottom of the tank. SInce the "sheds" keep their color (red and white) I assumed the worst when I saw the remains of his first molt in our tank. :scared:
  7. farmboy

    tank change 150 to 240 please help

    The dry rock will cause another cycle to start. You won't want to put critters in there until it's done.
  8. farmboy

    Friend's sister is Anorexic-what can I do??

    Armchair Phychiatry is not my hobby and it's definitely NOT my passion. However, It seems people with addiction be it mental or physical, are lacking something else in their lives. (My faith tells me this is GOD for a lot of people) Substituting one addiction for another doesn't seem like an...
  9. farmboy

    You got to try this & post your result...

    How very alliterate of you Tizz. I liked it! Pruning Pick indeed. :hilarious
  10. farmboy

    You got to try this & post your result...

    I challenge, Alex! WHen have you pruned with a PICK, Tizzo? Good one!!
  11. farmboy

    Friend's sister is Anorexic-what can I do??

    Try prayer.
  12. farmboy

    Classifieds Seller's Feedback

    Tamsam-good trader. Highly recommended. THanks Tamsam!
  13. farmboy

    dumb question?? maybe??

    Can you post a pic? I'm not familiar with that setup. I know if there is not ENOUGH water in my overflow boxes (in and out) the syphon won't work. It's like the water will be drawn together from both sides, then once it meets, it's "game on". Syphon started. WHen there isn't enough water...
  14. farmboy

    dumb question?? maybe??

    Ditto Reefnut in your last post. Almost exactly how I experienced it. YOu just said it better.
  15. farmboy

    dumb question?? maybe??

    THe air should pass with the water if the flow is great enough. If not, you may want to re-start the syphon to eliminate the bubble. If ya get one after a successfull start, you may be getting air into the u-tube from somewhere. I had a similar problem when the level of the inside overflow...
  16. farmboy

    Mushrooms for trade

    Hey Boof, YGM
  17. farmboy

    You got to try this & post your result...

    Perhaps there is a higher concentration of the 2% minded people on this board? Makes me feel better anyway.
  18. farmboy

    You got to try this & post your result...

    My wife says a black saw. . . .Match made in heaven.
  19. farmboy

    Friend's sister is Anorexic-what can I do??

    You already did the best thing for her. Listen. Be her friend. Her sister needs some pro-help, though. Hang in there.