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  1. ohiorn67

    2217 Eheim Cannister Filter Question

    I have heard of it a little. I want to check that out. I got most of my setup at aquatic critters. They told me that you only have to ocassionally rinse the filter pad in the ehiem and that you don't have any other maintenance on it for like 3 to 6 months when you just replace 1/2 of these...
  2. ohiorn67

    2217 Eheim Cannister Filter Question

    Does anyone else use this filtration? My LFS really likes this particular model and uses it in many of his show tanks in the store. Seems clean and easy to do. I know most here seem to use sump but I just did not have the knowledge or the room for that setup. Any ideas what i can add to this...
  3. ohiorn67

    New Reef Tank In The Works!! Just Beginning!!

    thanks again for more info. I spent 350 bucks on the lighting...what should i get if I take this back? I plan on getting the skimmer, just heard I did not really need it until I start stocking the tank more. I am hoping this filter works ok, just had no clue what to do with a sump on my first...
  4. ohiorn67

    New Reef Tank In The Works!! Just Beginning!!

    HI, thanks for the advice. Actually this is an Eheim cannister, supposed to be somewhat new on market, so hoping I don't run into those nitrate issues. I got the larger sized one also. My LSF uses these in many of there 150 gallon tanks, so I figured if they did, I would be I am...
  5. ohiorn67

    New Reef Tank In The Works!! Just Beginning!!

    Well, I am excited. Started our new 90 gallon tank. Have about 40 lbs of base rock, 50 lbs of live rock. Have not seen much in terms of little critters yet, is this normal? I do see tiny little things that look like future growths and lots of colored algae. We have 2 good power heads...
  6. ohiorn67

    New To Salt, Filter, Skimmer Questions!! Tank Pic!

    THANKS FOR ALL THE GREAT RESPONSES TODAY. I am so excited to have started this tank. My friends just don't get the big hype of it I am sure and probably think I am nuts, but I think it is so much fun to learn about it as you go. I was going to buy a used completed tank from someone but truly...
  7. ohiorn67

    New To Salt, Filter, Skimmer Questions!! Tank Pic!

    thanks so much for your information. you would have thought that the guy from our lfs would have told us about that air wall after working so hard to get it right!! I keep hearing that alot of people don't like the cannister filters...what do you think? They seemed so much cleaner. Our lfs...
  8. ohiorn67

    New To Salt, Filter, Skimmer Questions!! Tank Pic!

  9. ohiorn67

    New To Salt, Filter, Skimmer Questions!! Tank Pic!

    Hi, all, very new to this hobby. Just started a 90 gallon tank. Have about 50 lb live rock cycling and about 30 lb. base rock. Purchased a cannister filter for tanks 77-155 gallon EHEIM. My lfs said best on market and sooo easy to deal with. Would like opionions on this. did not want to...
  10. ohiorn67

    CONFUSED!!, newbie needs advice

    Hi, all, very new to this hobby. Just started a 90 gallon tank. Have about 50 lb live rock cycling and about 30 lb. base rock. Purchased a cannister filter for tanks 77-155 gallon EHEIM. My lfs said best on market and sooo easy to deal with. Would like opionions on this. did not want to...