CONFUSED!!, newbie needs advice


Hi, I am new to this hobby as far as actually having a SW tank. Although I am not new as far as research goes (iv'e been on the compter everyday for the last two weeks researching, my girlfriends getting upset).
I have come to some conclusions as to what I want from my aquarium, and here they are.
75g All glass (btw is $200 good price for tank, top, and single strip light)
3"to 4" deep sand bed (probably play sand topped with live sand)
live rock (about .5 to 1lb per gallon)
will be keeping less agressive fish (clowns, gobies, butterfly, tangs, etc.)
two maxi-jet 900 pwr heads (230gph each)
CPR Bak-Pak2 protein skimmer
How does that sound, o.k. I hope.
Now heres my question. Could I use a protein skimmer and no other filtration, or use a sump and no protein skimmer?
I would really like to use both but I don't think I can right now ($$$).
Would a bio-wheel style filter help any with the protein skimmer?
Any sugestions will help, thanks to all.


Active Member
With the set up you have listed, I think going with only a protien skimmer is doable..... be sure to have a pretty beefy clean up crew though. :D


Thanks for the reply. If I went protein skimmer only what would you recommend for water flow output. My two powerheads would put out 460 gph combined, so I would need about 290 gph from other forms, correct?

bill f

I agree, sump it.
Sparkey, if $$ is the problem, rather than using a standard acryllic sump that costs $$$, convert either a rubbermaid storage container $15 (20-30 gallon). You can do a search and see how people convert them. You can put your heater, sump and use a filter sock for your filter. This may help.


im new too but from what i hear that sumps are the best but using a biowheel filter a protien skimmer and a canister may be just as good
i dont like the sup idea cuz i would have to drill my tank



Originally posted by jesatfis
im new too but from what i hear that sumps are the best but using a biowheel filter a protien skimmer and a canister may be just as good
i dont like the sup idea cuz i would have to drill my tank

You can use a hang on the tank overflow if you want to go sump. I would stay away from a canister filter, they can be a maintnance nightmare and can cause high nitrates. If you do a filter other than a sump, use a power filter. I use and love AquaClear. If you put the 110 on your tank, you would be adding an additional 500 gph which would be really good for your tank. The bio-wheels are prone to jamming up, so I would watch using them.
$200 isn't bad, but you might want to upgrade the lights to the two bulb strip. Even though you don't need the extra light, it is nice to be able to see you fish and LR better.
Also, you probably want more LR than .5-1lb per gallon. You want atleast 1 pound to 1 1/2 pounds per gallon.


Active Member

Originally posted by SWNewb
You can use a hang on the tank overflow if you want to go sump. I would stay away from a canister filter, they can be a maintnance nightmare and can cause high nitrates. If you do a filter other than a sump, use a power filter. I use and love AquaClear. If you put the 110 on your tank, you would be adding an additional 500 gph which would be really good for your tank. The bio-wheels are prone to jamming up, so I would watch using them.
$200 isn't bad, but you might want to upgrade the lights to the two bulb strip. Even though you don't need the extra light, it is nice to be able to see you fish and LR better.
Also, you probably want more LR than .5-1lb per gallon. You want atleast 1 pound to 1 1/2 pounds per gallon.

agreed sump it, cannister's are great but lots of cleaning. i'm on a regular tank test/water change/fluval check every week so it's kinda normal to me. i've stepped up to 2lbs per gal live rock and now i test weekly but don't really have to do much more but once a month. i'm a fan of tons of live rock b/c it's cool to look at anyways and little work. my fluvals are ABSOLUTELY silent, but i'd rather have a clear, easy to read sump anyday. don't get with the bioballs, use lr if u can.


Hi, all, very new to this hobby. Just started a 90 gallon tank. Have about 50 lb live rock cycling and about 30 lb. base rock. Purchased a cannister filter for tanks 77-155 gallon EHEIM. My lfs said best on market and sooo easy to deal with. Would like opionions on this. did not want to sump because seems so messy. Also I upgraded our lights to 268 I believe it is with 4 double lights, some white, some blue and moon lights. Pretty cool. I have power heads going to move the water, heater of course, cool airation of a line of bubbles coming up the back of the tank. Live sand we used $$$ but hopefully well worth it. Ammonia is up, nitrites very high, ph was a little low so we buffered. Any other ideas? We will purchase a couple of corals at first once we are cycled, then see how that goes and then a coup of community fish. Would love some advice on protien skimmer. Our lfs says don't really need right now with all our movement, filter and airation but I keep seeing alot of posts with them. Do I need? thanks in advance for help!:happyfish :happyfish


Ok, so a sump is the way to go. Now a ? on protein skimmers.
Went to an out of town pet store, had some great sw setups and awesome corals. I know that NO ONE here likes the opinions of the lfs, nor do I, but this kid I talked to seemed to know his stuff. He has a 90g reef and a 55g FOWLR at home.
He said that If I got an Emperor style filter, and a wet/dry or canister filter that I wouldn't need a protein skimmer with my FOWLR. I just need to make sure that my return flow from my canister/wetdry is creating surface tension so that "gunk" does'nt build up. I would also have power heads.
Does this sound like good advice? I am pretty tight on $$ and I don't want to make a wrong decision.