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  1. salty blues

    Why if obama is elected he won't serve a second term.

    Originally Posted by Darthtang AW None of the presidents who enforced energy price controls and windfall profits taxes was ever re-elected. There is a reason for this..... On a related note of socialist liberal insanity, did ya'll see Congresswoman Maxine Waters(D) on the news demanding that...
  2. salty blues

    RO/DI help

    Typhoon III
  3. salty blues

    This doesn't make sense

    Originally Posted by Darthtang AW Had we started drilling in Anwar back in the 90's when the house and senate passed the bill we wouldn't have gas prices we have now. But noooooooooooooooo...President clinton vetoed that bill then and his reason was it would take 10 years before the oil started...
  4. salty blues

    Drivers license

    Originally Posted by fishkid2 Sorry typo. Yeh I have a 88' cougar. I can get pics when it it bright outside I understood your post, just having a little levity. Congrats on the new DL!
  5. salty blues

    Drivers license

    Originally Posted by fishkid2 Sorry typo. Yeh I have a 88' cougar. I can get pics when it it bright outside I understood your post, just having a little levity. Congrats on the new DL!
  6. salty blues

    Drivers license

    Originally Posted by fishkid2 Who got my drivers license today. Is'nt it fun driving. I give up. Who got your DL?
  7. salty blues

    Way to go California Supreme Court

    Originally Posted by bionicarm Get McCain in there, and you can kiss Roe v. Wade goodbye. From your keyboard to God's computer. Hallileujah & Amen!
  8. salty blues

    Question about cigs

    The cig smoke is harming you far more than any latent nicotene is harming your fish. I mean, it says so right on the pack.
  9. salty blues

    Way to go California Supreme Court

    Originally Posted by bionicarm Please get over your paranoia about "opening the floodgates" to other forms of sexual behaviors. You honestly think a very SMALL minority of individuals who are into beastiality, transgenderism, or whatever forms of [hr] fettishs they're into, could muster up...
  10. salty blues

    obama steps in it

    Originally Posted by 1journeyman He also should be given a quick History lesson on how we defeated the Soviet Union. It wasn't through unconditional talks, but through a huge increase in our naval power and Pershing Missiles on their doorstep.... Peace via Strength, baby!
  11. salty blues

    Way to go California Supreme Court

    Are some of you typing "gay" instead of "homosexual" because gay is shorter to type or because gay is a more politically correct term? I mean, "homosexual" justs sounds kinda' not so good, don't it? Thinking in reverse, it reminds me of how some abortionists will say anti-choice when referring...
  12. salty blues

    Log-in problems

    Originally Posted by MiaHeatLvr Which browser are you using? Doesnt it give you the option of saving log in info? OK, I think that was the problem. That option had gotten un-checked somehow. I re-checked it and now all seems to be working as before. Thanks for the tip!
  13. salty blues

    Log-in problems

    Originally Posted by sepulatian Are you getting kicked off or are you having problems when you log in? I haven't had any trouble, but I never log off unless I am not at home. I am just curious. Well, I used to be able to stay logged on 24/7. Now every time I visit and want to post I have to...
  14. salty blues

    Log-in problems

    Apparently it is just me.
  15. salty blues

    Way to go California Supreme Court

    Originally Posted by bionicarm That's the problem with your disagreement. You want to bring religion into the debate. It has nothing to do with religion. If a homosexual doesn't believe in God, then there shouldn't be any problem with them getting married. AGAIN, it's a legal issue. If you...
  16. salty blues

    Log-in problems

    Is it just me, or is anyone else having problems in staying logged in to the swf forum?
  17. salty blues

    Way to go California Supreme Court

    Originally Posted by kikithemermaid Why are you against it? I don't understand. It's not a matter of for or against. Homosexuality and gay marriage is contradictory to God's natural order and design. It's like saying someone is against eating or breathing. It is totally unnatural to not eat...
  18. salty blues

    Way to go California Supreme Court

    Sodom and Gommorah pales in comparison to the way society in the US is heading. Liberal activist judges are killing this country. Ronald Reagan must surely be spinning in his grave.
  19. salty blues

    Way to go California Supreme Court

    Originally Posted by Jmick There is always the route of artificial insemination or adoption Whooppee.
  20. salty blues

    CPR Overflow, please help

    I run my cpr o/f box with a powerhead(maxi-jet 1200).