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  1. aquatica-tech

    Does this affect a cycle

    No no no I didnt have fish I know not to put fish during a cycle, its common sense. Like for example when a cat Pee's and you get close to it the smell of the ammonia burns your nose so imagine that same stuff in your room for days and days straight im sure its gonna kill your sineses. So I was...
  2. aquatica-tech

    Does this affect a cycle

    Alright for all the info guys, sorry I wasnt replying last night cause I went to sleep early. But all I have is a Mag 5 Pump coming from my Sump to the tank and thats it. Thank You guys a bunch
  3. aquatica-tech

    Does this affect a cycle

    I was wondering, does water flow really affect the way a tank cycles, does the tank cycle faster?
  4. aquatica-tech

    AAAHHH Fire Worms

    I think they look kind of nice. alright thank you
  5. aquatica-tech

    AAAHHH Fire Worms

    Ok last night somebody told me from this site that I should look in my tank at night and look for copepods cause I thought I only had one... well last night I did that and yea I saw the copepods and then I saw fireworms or bristleworms there were four of em, two were like 4-5 inches in lenght...
  6. aquatica-tech

    Coraline and Copepods: How do I grow them?

    Ok I have a 24" Single Flourescent Light and have about 25#s of live rock, I was wondering would my corraline be stable with this light or would they die off or would they grow but slowly. Also I was wondering I found 1 copepod in a 1 month old tank just wondering will they produce asexually or...
  7. aquatica-tech

    Help Coraline and Copepod Growth

    Ok will I have a 24" Flourescent Light and have about 25#s of live rock, I was wondering would my corraline be stable with this light or would they die off or would they grow but slowly. Also I was wondering I found 1 copepod , just wondering will they produce asexually or do they need a...
  8. aquatica-tech

    Can i add a Sixline Wrasse?

    That should do, but yea Sixlines will do great in your tank but in the future I would watch out cause they get territorial and aggresive as it gets used to your tank
  9. aquatica-tech

    Can i add a Sixline Wrasse?

    Im not sure that little filter will support that much bio-load. IMO I would say a no to that. Try getting a larger filter and you should be able to support it, you try also investing in a skimmerr its really helpfull.
  10. aquatica-tech

    Can i add a Sixline Wrasse?

    Again can you tell us what type of filtration you have
  11. aquatica-tech

    Can i add a Sixline Wrasse?

    Well im kind of new to saltwater but ill tell you something from what I have heard before. Yea it'll be possible to add the wrasse but I think the Sixline will be easier but over time as it gets used to your system it'll be more aggressive. But can you say what type of filtration you have going...
  12. aquatica-tech

    Cycle Question

    Alright I just thought that having water volume increase that it'll affect the levels. Anyways thanks for telling me.
  13. aquatica-tech

    Cycle Question

    Well I just bought a sump that was about 15 to 20 gallons. Well I filled half it up and added some more water to the tank. The last time I remeber my ammomia was at .25, will it be lower cause I added more water or will it stay the same. An what are the max amount levels of ammonia and nitrates...
  14. aquatica-tech


    Thank You Very Much
  15. aquatica-tech


    Originally Posted by WangoTango Are you talking about a hang-on fuge, or a sump underneath. CPR makes very nice hang-on fuge that comes with a skimmer and is in several different sizes. -Justin I want an under sump/ fuge I guess
  16. aquatica-tech


    Im wondering if anybody can help me make a simple, I mean simple refugium because im not much of a to much information person. So all I want it to have is the skimmer slot then the refugium and the return and inlet line that it. So if anybody can give me a link or they have a plan themselves I...
  17. aquatica-tech

    Is this a good list for my 55 Gallon

    Alright I think ill pass on for now till I get more experiance, but I guess ill go for Two Firefish because there easier to find and cheaper thank you guys Oh and about the Coco Worms are they like the regular Feather Dusters or do they need more special stuff
  18. aquatica-tech

    Is this a good list for my 55 Gallon

    Originally Posted by TeresaQ I've never had one, to expensive, but I have seen someone on this site with one. Very beautiful. I would think they have the same needs and other firefish. TeresaQ So they wouldnt need any specific type of parameters in anyway, its just the price that makes them...
  19. aquatica-tech

    Is this a good list for my 55 Gallon

    I guess ill try the both but then if they start fighthing ill just return them. But im really curious about the three gobies you guys said, would that be safe? And what about the helfrich goby is there any special specs. that I need to know about it ?
  20. aquatica-tech

    Is this a good list for my 55 Gallon

    Well im planning ahead of what I want my stock list to be and wondering if anybody can help me well here it is: Fish: Potters Angelfish Scooter Blennie Pair False Perculas Diamon Goby Red Firefish Goby Purple Firefish Goby Shrimp Goby Banded And any advice because I really want to get a Helfrich...