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  1. bigkev

    Emergency Yellow Tangs Throwing Up

    My tank has been running for a little over 4 weeks. 150 gallons. The filter is an old Tidepool 2. Is this OK?
  2. bigkev

    Emergency Yellow Tangs Throwing Up

    No live rock, how much is a quarantine tank? My aquarium is 150 gallons.
  3. bigkev

    Emergency Yellow Tangs Throwing Up

    Is a snowflake eel an invert. He is in there too and is very friendly and active. Total 8 fish. Boenack Grouper, Laiti Grouper(has to go) 3 yellow tangs, snowflake eel, saddle wrasse, and a hamlet. Without the Laiti, are these a good mix or no?? What about the salinity and temp. Are those OK?
  4. bigkev

    Emergency Yellow Tangs Throwing Up

    One eye on the yellow tang looks puffy and has some sort of clear film over it. Also I have a Laiti Grouper which is terrorizing some of the other fish. I have a Hamlet that looks like he has all kinds of huge puffy welts on him. Should I take the Laiti out? I think they also have Ich. I...
  5. bigkev

    Emergency Yellow Tangs Throwing Up

    I just saw my Yellow Tang Throw up what seemed to be Yellow strings of Algae or something.... QUICK WHAT DO I DO????
  6. bigkev

    Possible Filter problems?

    the ph is 8.2, dont know alkalinity, but the salinity is 2.020, ammonia is 0, nitrite is 0, nitrate is less than 5. I would say about 4. The problem was that the Nitrite spiked and I was told by the fish store to bring it done with some ammonia and nitrite reducer called TLC. Do I need to...
  7. bigkev

    Possible Filter problems?

    Hello out there. Ive had my 150 gallon saltwater tank for a month now. The problem is that I only use oe Tidepool 2 Filter that goes up to 120 gallons. Do you think my tank has cycled yet? I have put some fish in the tank already and a couple of them seem to have the ICH parasite. What...