Emergency Yellow Tangs Throwing Up


New Member
I just saw my Yellow Tang Throw up what seemed to be Yellow strings of Algae or something.... QUICK WHAT DO I DO????


Staff member
And what other symptoms? Fish spit stuff out all the time, so that in and of itself is not alarming.


New Member
One eye on the yellow tang looks puffy and has some sort of clear film over it. Also I have a Laiti Grouper which is terrorizing some of the other fish. I have a Hamlet that looks like he has all kinds of huge puffy welts on him. Should I take the Laiti out? I think they also have Ich. I was told to lower salinity and increase temp to 82 degrees. Thanks for responding.
Ph- 8.2
Ammonia- 0
Salinity- 1.019
Nitrate- 4


Staff member
Yes, definitely find a new home for the grouper FAST. Do you have live rock or inverts? Live rock and inverts can not tolerate lower salinity.


New Member
Is a snowflake eel an invert. He is in there too and is very friendly and active. Total 8 fish. Boenack Grouper, Laiti Grouper(has to go) 3 yellow tangs, snowflake eel, saddle wrasse, and a hamlet. Without the Laiti, are these a good mix or no?? What about the salinity and temp. Are those OK?


Originally Posted by bigkev
No live rock, how much is a quarantine tank? My aquarium is 150 gallons.
Do you have any inverts such as snails, crabs, stars, etc? How long has this tank been running?


New Member
My tank has been running for a little over 4 weeks. 150 gallons. The filter is an old Tidepool 2. Is this OK?


Originally Posted by bigkev
My tank has been running for a little over 4 weeks. 150 gallons. The filter is an old Tidepool 2. Is this OK?
This is no where near ok. How did you cycle this tank? What are your water readings for ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, ph, kh, temp, and SG? You didn't even have time to cycle and you have fish that require huge tanks (the grouper), those that require many lbs of very mature LR (tang), a messy eel. A four week old tank should not have one fish yet. I am sorry, but why didn't you ask for help sooner? You did not do any research did you. Please don't turn away, we can help but you are in a bind here. Most of your fish need new homes.