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  1. fishkid2

    Lookin for some freindly fish

    Is it going to be a reef or fish only tank?
  2. fishkid2

    Goldfish messed up

    THe knife fish is only less then a foot. The goldfish is bigger then the knife. The godfish is almost as big then the oscars. SO the knife fish does not really do anything. I never saw my knifefish try to hurt someone.
  3. fishkid2

    Goldfish messed up

    What could I do? Change more water? Treat the water? I sort of need this gold fish for eating off the bottom. If it does die, do you think a pictis cat would work?
  4. fishkid2

    Shrimp and a freshwater ?

    Originally Posted by andy51632 Your problem is you need some form of CO2. With out a form of CO2(seachem excel, pressurized CO2, or DIY yeast co2 reactor) you are really just making a massive algae farm out of your tank. There are specific sites that cover planted aquariums do a search. Dont...
  5. fishkid2

    Goldfish messed up

    He is not eating because he is laying on his side all the time now. He is breathing super slow. He does look fat. So would it be bloating infection or bacterial infection or something like that. Plus he always had some scales missing from the oscars, but they usally just grow back and repeat the...
  6. fishkid2

    Car People? Post Your Ride!!!

    i just drive around with my polaris 350 four-wheeler. The thing is as old as me and It can still go 60 mph. It's about fourteen years old. My dad just got a sweet a$$ truck. It's a 2005 ford 350 super duty. It has a long box with four doors. This truck is huge.
  7. fishkid2

    Goldfish messed up

    Okey guys I have a 55 gal freshwater with two oscars, knife fish and a giant goldfish. I think he has a internal infection, but I can't remember all the names. He is doing the barrel roll and doing a lot of spins. I am surpised though how long he has been living like this. At first I did not see...
  8. fishkid2

    Shrimp and a freshwater ?

    Originally Posted by FlCandy If you get the cat and the algae dies out you can buy algae wafers, the pleco in my BF's tank loves them. 2 a day keep him going and he is a beast (8 in+). Good luck with the algae, we had some on a plant we put in out FW dwarf puffer tank and it is kinda fuzzy...
  9. fishkid2

    Looking for aquarium to see

    Just go to Hawaii and go visit The Aquarium lol
  10. fishkid2

    Shrimp and a freshwater ?

    White dots came off shrimp after he molted. I will check at stupid ***** to see what fish they have in their planted tanks.
  11. fishkid2

    whats the #1

    What about a devil fish if thats the proper name for it.
  12. fishkid2

    crack in tank

    Originally Posted by renogaw you're going to be throwing out the gravel if you're going saltwater fish tank. gravel's only good for freshwater. I would get black sand if I am getting it
  13. fishkid2

    Talk about being scared of a power outage, check these pics out!

    Lucky me I live in MN and only get a power outage about once a year.
  14. fishkid2

    whats the #1

    My 6 line wrasse lol
  15. fishkid2

    crack in tank

    The size is 41'' long 36'' wide 25'' tall. I would use it for a reef and it would be sweet since it is super wide. The person said it did not leak, but the water level in the pic that he emailed me was not filled at the top of the tank. I can always take a look at it filled with water when i...
  16. fishkid2

    crack in tank

    It's a 140 Gal with a bunch on things like two phs, acanister filter 150 lbs of gravel for $100
  17. fishkid2

    Lets call it "got more liverock" motherload f pics

    I saw that one rock in your tank and man that is huge. Do you know how heavy that thing is? The rock on the right side in the third pic
  18. fishkid2

    crack in tank

    Do you guys think it looks bad? I could just put some more silicon on it if I bought it.
  19. fishkid2

    I'm jinxed friday the 13th is coming

    I fraged my xeina once and I dropped it in my condi. All that fraging for nothing. Good thing though it was only an xeina that growws super fast in my aquapod
  20. fishkid2

    crack in tank

    I just want to know if the cracks in this tank is bad looking. It is not my tank though. Its a tank that I want to buy. The Cracks at at the corner at the top of the tank.