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  1. jungle5

    Friend or foe

    Recently purchased 3 curley Q anemones and an anemone crab. I noticed the crab clinging to the bottom of an anemone & it died within 2 weeks, since then, its moved from anemome to anemome leaving death in its path. I thought these crabs liked anemomes - is this what they eat?
  2. jungle5

    Add Sand ?

    Thanks Spanko
  3. jungle5

    Add Sand ?

    What kind of sand sifters do you recomend ?
  4. jungle5

    Add Sand ?

    I have a 55 gal tank & Im getting a grey film settling on top of the sand.
  5. jungle5

    Add Sand ?

    I only have about an inch and a half sand base now, and I feel thats not enough.
  6. jungle5

    Add Sand ?

    So I just add the sand to my exsisting sand ?
  7. jungle5

    Add Sand ?

    Can you add live sand to an established tank ?
  8. jungle5

    feather dusters

    Ive been watching the tank and it seems my puffer is nipping at thefeather dusters
  9. jungle5

    feather dusters

    Igot a couple feather dusters a few days ago and they arent coming out like they were when i got them. My water is good, and Ithink there should be enough lighting. Is there a supplement, or some kind of special food for them? Also they dont take hold to my live rock. They just dont seem right.
  10. jungle5

    Sending pictures to website

    Thank you!
  11. jungle5

    Sending pictures to website

    Can anyone tell me how I send pictures of my fish to a thread?
  12. jungle5

    coral cats ?

    I can't say they are ugly - just annoying & costing us a lot of $ right now. Any ideas on the bloating/looking like its pregnant & then a few weeks later its back to normal and no eggs etc..... How do you get pics onto the site?
  13. jungle5

    coral cats ?

    How do I get the pics to the site?
  14. jungle5

    coral cats ?

    I have 2 coral catfish, they are getting quite big. Nobody seems to know much about them. Are they reef safe? I dont think so,lost a banded shrimp in 8 hrs. They keep moving all the sand around and eat like pigs. I would like to have a reef tank, anyone want a couple of cats? The smaller one has...