Add Sand ?


Active Member
Sure. Use a pc. of PVC pipe with a funnel at the top. Put the end in the tand right where you want the sand to go, Put the funnel at the other end and SLOWLY pour the sand in. If you are adding to an already establish sand bed do one quarter of the tank one day then about 3 or 4 days down the road do the next one quarter and so on so the biofiltration has a chance to inhabit the new sand slowly. If it is bare bottom totally right now I would personally do the same thing but others will no doubt have other ways in which to accomplish this also so let's hear from them too.


i wish i knew the pvc trick when i switched mine out. i'm glad i did the switch, my tanks looks sooooo much better. you'll be really pleased with the sand i think.


how much and what type of sand do you currently have in there? i wouldn't think that there should be a problem with adding sand to sand.


Active Member
If you are just trying to add more sand, yes. Do one quarter of the tank every three days or so. Add it to the top of the existing sand via the PVC pipe method. This will help to keep down the sandstorm of adding new sand. Don't add it all at once though.


how big is your tank? it depends on you. you may like the look of a deeper sand-bed. it will add surface area for bacteria to gorw. but like spanko said, add it slowly if you do. this i know cause i had a nice white-out in my tank for a day and a half, and still blowing it off my rocks.


i don't think adding sand will get rid of that. you might want to get some sand sifters to keep your sand stirred up.


Active Member
Originally Posted by jungle5
I have a 55 gal tank & Im getting a grey film settling on top of the sand.
If this is the reason for adding more sand, it is the wrong thing to do. What you have, it sounds like, is detritus settling on the sand. I would venture a guess that you do not have enough flow in the tank over the sand. You need to move this film into the water column for removal by your mechanical filtration. (filter floss - pads, skimmer etc.) Also an increase, if not enough, in your CUC. Some Nassarius and Cerith snails. Nassarius are detrivores and Cerith are herbivores both of which will work the sand bed to help to keep it clean.