Search results

  1. rubberduck

    blue hippo tang?

    Originally posted by usinkit Mine went from 1.0 in to about 3.5 in about 10 months. thats average
  2. rubberduck

    Pinktail Triggerfish

    i will try to help you
  3. rubberduck

    Pinktail Triggerfish

    is it digital, and can u post it in paint?
  4. rubberduck

    Algea, algea, algea

    srry to here ur loss, but i would get a fox face or yellow tang because the eat alge great. I RECOMMEND FOXFACE but emerald crabs are great too. also i would try to find the problem. was it all at once or over a long period of time? are your bulbs worn out and need replacing. again i would find...
  5. rubberduck

    lunare and bird wrasse????

    well depends on the indevidual wrasse, some are nice and i have heard of success stories with two doing fine, just a hit or miss based on the fish
  6. rubberduck

    what is the best secluded vacation spot in florida?

    found it, is there any places with good wildlife not in a protected zone?
  7. rubberduck

    Pinktail Triggerfish

    can someone post a pic of one here?
  8. rubberduck

    Pinktail Triggerfish

    how long have you had ur tank set up, i think you should post pics in the photo form:yes:
  9. rubberduck

    2 thumbs up 4

    had the same good experience here
  10. rubberduck

    Help selecting fish!

    how big is the tank?
  11. rubberduck

    what is the best secluded vacation spot in florida?

    who was the one guy who posted a pic of a beach loaded with tidepools?
  12. rubberduck

    what is the best secluded vacation spot in florida?

    in florida you can LEGALY have under 20 speicies (besides select speicies) but no lr. still is there any place that has great wildlife?
  13. rubberduck

    what is the best secluded vacation spot in florida?

    im looking for an island or somewhere secluded which has good wildlife close to the beach (reef,tidepools ect.) if there is a place let me know. plus do they have laws against casual collecting?
  14. rubberduck

    Updates on new SW tank

    srry if the police are hear but he is happy and healthy
  15. rubberduck

    Updates on new SW tank

    Originally posted by DivingDi Wow! How long has your tank been up, Duck? 9 months
  16. rubberduck

    Updates on new SW tank

    Originally posted by JacknJill its a 30 gallon, but hes upgrading to a 125 soon. so you dont have to worry about the tang. lol yes that is right, :rolleyes: the fish is happy so he is good, he is the only one in there right now, so he is not big either. HE WILL BE UPGRADED
  17. rubberduck

    Hydrometer Readings

    i would take the shrimp out, he has done his job
  18. rubberduck

    LFS Received a Blue Ring Octopus

    i know i was just joking
  19. rubberduck

    black volitan lion

    is there any sideeffects??
  20. rubberduck

    black volitan lion
