Search results

  1. corwinwannabe

    bamboo sharks captive care

    it reads for its self if you can any suggestions about cageing feeding or any and i mean any thing on bamboo sharks tell me that could really help thanks
  2. corwinwannabe

    leopard shark dying

    if i where you i would rinse out the sting with water by that i mean put the shark in a holding tank and bring him up tro the top of the tank and rinse the wound i am not postive that it will work but try thats at least what you do for a loin fish sting on people get him or her to a vet sorry...
  3. corwinwannabe

    bamboo sharks :)

    anything that has to do with bamboo sharks
  4. corwinwannabe

    bamboo sharks :)

    ok any suggests and i mean any on bamboo sharks i am not getting a nurse shark now i am getting a nurse
  5. corwinwannabe

    bamboo sharks

    hey any suggestions on how to take care of bamboo shraks
  6. corwinwannabe

    hey i need help on building a shark tank

    hey i dont smoke wead first off (hahahaha) and you guys have helped me change my mind i think ill go for a bamboo shark any suggestions
  7. corwinwannabe

    bamboo sharks

    ok ok you guys have changed my mind so now i think i want a bamboo shark any and i mean ANY tips or suggestions thanks i be back in a week
  8. corwinwannabe

    Whale Shark in captivity!

    hey can someone send me an email with a copy of that article it sounds very intresting and heres my great saying (i got it from somewhere else but its pretty cool) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "fools think they know everything, but the wise never stop learning"
  9. corwinwannabe

    hey i need help on building a shark tank

    and bye they way please no take offense but i know my animals i realise that sharks get big just like certian snakes
  10. corwinwannabe

    hey i need help on building a shark tank

    hey just wanting to tell please no one take offense but i want a nurse shark above all the others and i dont care what system i need and what size tank i need i am going to get one and bye the way thanks for the suggestions keep them coming and also please no take offense
  11. corwinwannabe

    hey this is just a quetion about eels in captivaty(please forgive my spelling)

    what is the big daddy of all of the captive eels that can be kept in an aquairuim.and by "big daddy" i mean in agression,color,size,and teeth. (again forgive my spelling)
  12. corwinwannabe

    hey i need help on building a shark tank

    first off where can i find slionce(sorry if i spelled it wrong) what lengeth x width x height should i make a tank for a nurse shark, and what system should i use i.e. power heads,protien skimmers, etc.