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  1. lems4046

    Can i put a heaters my wet/dry sump

    Can i put my heaters in my wet/dry sump? What are good tank placements for my jets? My return line dumps straight into my tank under the glass top... what is a better way to place it so that it doesn't displace my sand?:confused:
  2. lems4046

    water / new tank

  3. lems4046

    water / new tank

    also i have a submersble in my sump with the discharge line just sticking under the glass top, the way it is its displacing my sand badly, Is there a way to stop this or arange the way the water is returned to the tank? I hate to ask to many questions but ow do i adjust the air on my skimmer to...
  4. lems4046

    water / new tank

    That will be fine i am in no hurry... I also am needing to put in some powerheads or something to move water around i think... Is the other equipment that i purchased good enough..
  5. lems4046

    water / new tank

    I just purchased a new saltwater set up including 75 gallon tank, 125 wet/dry filter, pink fiji sand 100lbs, skimmer, uv nuetralizer, dual satelite lightng, I filled my tank with freshwater with the sand in the bottom i then realized that i didn't have any declor, i had to wait to the next day...