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  1. hexed

    a niger and the inverts that suddenly died because of him

    yeah thats what I was worried, I was kinda hoping he'd get a taste and not like it ha. no luck there. well I have a spare tank looks like I may be putting him, the puffer, and a my snowflake into an aggresive setup
  2. hexed

    a niger and the inverts that suddenly died because of him

    I feed him all frozen, some mysis, squid, and brine usually and I feed him once a day
  3. hexed

    a niger and the inverts that suddenly died because of him

    ok so I've had a niger in my tank since I set it up basically. hes always been really aggresive during feeding but never really picked on the inverts. untill recently when he attacked and subsequently killed my cbs and 2 emerald crabs. is this normal behavior? can I expect more of this? if I...