a niger and the inverts that suddenly died because of him


New Member
ok so I've had a niger in my tank since I set it up basically. hes always been really aggresive during feeding but never really picked on the inverts. untill recently when he attacked and subsequently killed my cbs and 2 emerald crabs.
is this normal behavior? can I expect more of this?
if I want to keep the reef set up should I move him to an aggresive only tank?


i would assume that is normal behavior considerring it is an aggresive fish and it is their instinct to be aggresive.


The Niger is probably the closest you can come to a reef safe trigger. But, with that said he still is a trigger so as he matures he might go after a crustacean or two. Under the right conditions a Niger can get to 19" so, depending on his size you might want to think about a larger tank. They like meaty food what are you feeding him and how often?


Well, sounds like he's eating good. But, they do like an occasional shrimp or crab. If he has gotten a taste of these and likes them you might be in trouble with him. You might want to consider not having a CBS or EC. And just go with hermits. Or just realize you might be replacing a shrimp or crab every so often.


New Member
yeah thats what I was worried, I was kinda hoping he'd get a taste and not like it ha. no luck there. well I have a spare tank looks like I may be putting him, the puffer, and a my snowflake into an aggresive setup