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  1. deraticus

    big upgrade need advice

    well my mom said the LR is still alive, she had 2 fish alive too i didnt know about. SHe said she has a good skimmer too that traps alot of the dirt so that might help. myself i prefer sand but its the money issue for me. I cant afford to go out and get sand or i would. Cuz to me sand is there...
  2. deraticus

    big upgrade need advice

    Well here is my situation. I used to have a 29 gal nano tank for my room about a year ago but when i moved the seals broke and it was leaking, by the time i fixed it and found where it was everything in my tank was dead. BTW gammas seem hardy they lasted 3 days in the tank while i was moving, it...
  3. deraticus

    Need opinions

    im more than likely just buying the tank at the store, all my fish will prolly be from this site with the equipment. All my sw fish i bought from here before lived a very long time. They got some sw fish that are cheap but im waiting for this new fish store to open but it might be awhile. Its...
  4. deraticus

    Need opinions

    Ok i had a 29g nano tank that i got my wife and she loved it for a while and we moved and turned it into a freshwater. And if your lookin for a cheap hardy fish a gamma is nice. It lived throughout the 3 day move in like 2" of water and no food. It was hiding in the rock. But anyway, she wants...
  5. deraticus


    Ok here is my plan, We ordered the chemi clean. Im going to put that in and let it set for like 2-3 days and see what happens. The when that is done Im taking all my LR out cleaning out the sand and doing a 50% water change. And my wife bought an air bubble thing not a skimmer so im going to buy...
  6. deraticus


    Well i just got a skimmer, and hooked that up and my chemi clean is on the way. Im going to re-arrange my rock plus do 50% water change once i put the chemi clean it after the cyano clears up. Because I gotta see if my mandarin is still alive because i havent seen it.
  7. deraticus


    feed about once or twice a day, flakes and small fish pelletes for my clown and goby and gamma. Plus my green stuff for my anenome i cant remember. Water flow i cant really remember, ide have to look up the kit and find out i dont think its alot to tell u the truth u cant feel it that well but...
  8. deraticus


    after doing much research, and having it a few weeks i came to find out i have cyano in my tank. I have a 24g nano tank. Well we bought some chemi clean first so when I get that thats the first thing im putting in. I used a turkey baster to get alot of it out. Now i have the the original setup...
  9. deraticus

    New to this

    So what should i have my lighting set to? and should i do any equipment upgrades before i do anything else?
  10. deraticus

    New to this

    water.........i used some from my moms tank and did water change till my water was good. and prolly the bright ones are on 8-10 and blue on is on all night. I have a timer just still have yet to set it up
  11. deraticus

    New to this

    Ok so i bought my wife a 24g nano for her bday. I got a lil bit of rock in there now but tommorow im gettin 16lbs and all my algae eaters. Well my tank has been up prolly 2-3 weeks now and i have all the eq it came with. Should I upgrade any of it? I have a ton of algae build up and took my moms...
  12. deraticus

    New nano tank

    Hi my name is Justin and im new to the saltwater tank. My mom has one but i want everyones opinion when it comes to this. I just bought a 24 gal nano cube for my new wife since she liked my moms 55 gal tank. It doesnt bother me that i must maintain it because i do enjoy it and we are in the...