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  1. rayhyar

    Hermit Crabs

    Thanks for the reply.I see you are also arefrigeration mechanic. I spent 5 yrs on amonia. Southeastern refrigeration.
  2. rayhyar

    Hermit Crabs

    Are hermit crabs a danger to corals? I have about 20 in my 90 g tank. I would like to have more corals than the mushroms that I have now.
  3. rayhyar


    Thanks very much. The lighting sounds like the problem.
  4. rayhyar


    Can someone please tell me what kind of algea i have. It is a red slime looking algea. It is forming on the bottom of the substrate. I have a reef aq. Recently I lost all of my fish. The only thing I have left is live rock,two anemonies,a flower pot and a snowflake eel. Eck got my fish about 45...